برنامج Exterminate It! برنامج للقضاء على وحذف ومسح ملفات التجسس والفيروسات.
كما يعمل البرنامج على صد أخطر التهديدات لجهازك وبياناتك ومنها:
viruses, trojans, malware, spyware, adware, dialers بجميع اشكالها وغير هذه الانواع بكثير .
ميزات برنامج Exterminate It:
يجعلك تشعر بالحماية الحقيقية مع حماية 24 ساعه في اليوم
يحافظ على المعلومات
يمنع التهديدات
تحصل على تحديثات يومية للبرنامج مجانا.
The interface is indeed very easy to use, because all things are neatly organized in a list, allowing you to start a scan, update, or check the options for some configuration tools.
While the options menu has only a few settings mostly related to Internet connection configuration and AntiRootkit tools, the scanning process is just basic.
There’s a more comprehensive scanning mode that will check the whole computer for malicious files, but you also have the possibility to check the memory or perform a Smart Scan. Another option for scanning will enable you to choose a specific folder or drive and verify it on the fly.
The good thing is that Exterminate It! scans the computer very fast and is designed to detect spyware traces and remove them entirely. The range of threats this tool can fend off includes trojans, dialers, viruses, adware and more.
It is indeed very friendly with computer resources, so you can safely use it on older machines too, but keep in mind that you may notice some computer slowdowns in performance when updating definitions.
Thanks to its ease of use and impressive malware database, Exterminate It! is surely one of the best antispyware solution sot there. It scans fast and covers all the areas of your system so it is quite appropriate as a secondary line of defense against all kinds of threats.