برنامج idoo USB Encryption عبارة عن برنامج احترافي يمكن أن يساعدنا على منع تسرب المعلومات الخاصة أو المستندات السرية للأعمال التجارية … إلخ.
برنامج التشفير USB idoo سهل التشغيل ، مع تشفير عالي السرعة ووظائف قوية.
بدون كلمة المرور الصحيحة ،لن يمكن فتح محرك أقراص USB المشفر أو قراءته في أي ظرف من الظروف ، ولن يكون هناك أي قلق خلفه.
يمكن لبرنامج تشفير محرك أقراص USB هذا إنشاء منطقة آمنة ومساحة عامة في قرص واحد بشكل متزامن لراحتك.
يمكن فتح المنطقة الآمنة بكلمة المرور الخاصة بك فقط ، بينما لا تحتاج المنطقة العامة لأي منها.
بدون تثبيت أي برنامج إضافي على جهاز الكمبيوتر ، يمكنك فتح وقراءة البيانات على محرك أقراص USB فقط عن طريق إدخال كلمة المرور الصحيحة.
زفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم آخر إصدار من البرنامج مرفق معه التفعيل
برنامج قفل الفلاشات برقم سرى | idoo USB Encryption 6.2.0
Because of its pocket size, quick storage and portability, USB drive has been widely being used.
When we enjoy the convenience, it comes up with the risks of lost or stolen. How shall we protect our information from being divulged?
idoo USB Encryption is a professional software which can help us to prevent the leakage of private information or business confidential documents etc..
idoo USB Encryption software is easy to operate, with high-speed encrypting and powerful functions.
Without the correct password, the encrypted USB drive can be opened or read in no circumstance, and there would never be worries behind.
This USB drive encryption software can create safe area and public area in one disc concurrently for your convenience.
The safe area could be only opened by your password, while the public area would not need any.
Without installing any extra program on a computer, you can open and read the data on the USB drive just by entering the correct password.
Full security for all types of files
Microsoft Office documents (MS Word and Docx file, MS Excel file, MS Powerpoint, PPT files, MS Outlook email files.
All kinds of Photos, BMP images, JPG / JPEG photos, GIF picture files, TIFF photo files, PNG picture files, Lotus office notes & files, PDF files.
My Film: MP4 videos, AVI video files, 3GP files, MP3 music, RMVB movies, RM films, Winrar, ZIP files.
USB drive encryption works perfectly well on all external portable media like encrypt USB flash drives, Thumb Drives, Memory Sticks, Memor
Cards, Pen Drives and Jump Drives by encrypted USB Key Sticks, Memory Cards, Pen Drives and Jump Drives by encrypted USB Key.
USB Devises Types:
ADATA, Aigo, Bone, BONE, CoolSources, CXC, Deerway, Disney, Eaget, ESUNINFO, GeIL, HP, HYUNDAI, KINGMAX, Kingston, LaCie, LD
Lenovo, Li Ning, MAXELL, Netac, Newsmy, Patriot, PNY, PQI, PQI, SanDisk, SEGON, SILICON POWER, Sony, SSK , Teclast, TOSHIBA
Transcend, Verbatim, Sennheiser etc.
Support USB Storage:
2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1TB, 2TB.
USB Protection: support usb port 3.0 / 2.0 / 1.0.
USB disk security
It can prevent the safe area from hackers effectively by the 256-bit AES encryption technology.
Only the correct password can give you access to the safe area.
The data in the encrypted USB drives is immune to virus, hackers, pry or being copied, it cannot be read even if had been lost or stolen.
User-Friendly Interface
Unlike some other software, idoo USB Encryption has no complicating technical jargons, and very easy to be installed and run.
Suitable for various industries and careers
Medical & health industry, Pharmaceuticals, Banking, Insurance industry, Legal services, Accounting, Culture & Education, Film
and television industry, Chemical industry, Commercial & Trades, Manufacturing industries
State organs, Research institutions, Institutional investors etc.
Features of idoo USB Encryption Software
Safe and efficient: High level of speed and security.
Easy to use: Readily to operation, need to install any extra program, you can open the USB drive just by entering the correct password
Our mission: To provide high-quality USB encryption software and best after-sales service to our customers.
Where to use idoo USB Encryption is a professional software designed for preventing leakage of confidential data on the USB drives. With the
advanced encryption technology, it possesses strong functions, high speed, and easy operations,
and is a necessary software for both our work and family.
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
مساحة البرنامج 5 ميجا تقريباً
تحميل موفق للجميع
انتهى الموضوع
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