برنامج Screenshot Studio هو أداة تسمح لك بسهولة أخذ لقطة للشاشة ، والتعليق عليها ومشاركتها بسرعة.
من خلال العديد من الميزات الأساسية والمتقدمة ، يوفر برنامج Screenshot Studio أدوات شرح سريعة وتكنولوجيا نشر سريعة وموثوقة تجعله أداة قوية.
هذه الأداة مثالية لمختبري البرامج والمطورين لتوثيق الأخطاء.
وفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم آخر إصدار من البرنامج مرفق معه التفعيل
برنامج عمل سكرين شوت للشاشة | Screenshot Studio 1.11.25
Screenshot Studio is a tool which allows you to easily take screenshot, annotate it and quickly share.
With its many basic and advanced features Screenshot Studio also offers quick annotation instruments and fast and reliable publish technology that make it a powerful tool. This tool is ideal for program testers and developers for bugs documentation.
A brief list of features:
• All-in-one Tool:
create, edit, save and load screenshots from one place in a few clicks
• Grab Everything:
you can take screenshots from standard, Direct3D and OpenGL modes. Some videoplayers are also supported
• Powerful Annotation System:
you will need just a couple of seconds to highlight important fragments of your screenshot. Screenshot Studio is extremely recommended for those who spend hours annotating pictures using standard applications like MS Paint and other ones. Standard instruments palette includes: Text Fields, Freeform Drawings, Vector Lines, Rectangles and Ellipses with alpha blending support
• Different output formats including:
PNG, JPEG, BMP, HTML, MHT, ZIP, etc. In case of using PNG you can load screenshot to the program back and continue editing from the point you finished previously Native File Format lets you creating of screenshot projects to maintain and modify required screenshots
• Fast and Free Publication Engine:
it takes just a few seconds to upload your screen captures onto specially designed screenshot site and get a FREE link for their distribution over WWW. Image link is secure and you can be sure you the only person who can make it public.
• Quick Export into external editors:
need more image processing instruments? Quickly export screenshots into external editor and do what you need
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version
مساحة البرنامج 2 ميجا فقط
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كلمات دلالية :
برنامج عمل سكرين شوت للشاشة , تحميل برنامج عمل سكرين شوت للشاشة, أفضل برنامج عمل سكرين شوت للشاشة , أسهل برنامج عمل سكرين شوت للشاشة , أحسن برنامج عمل سكرين شوت للشاشة , برنامج Screenshot Studio , تحميل برنامج Screenshot Studio , تفعيل برنامج Screenshot Studio , سيريال برنامج Screenshot Studio
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