يعد برنامج Free Any Burn 1.6 المجانى من البرامج التى قد تغنيك  عن  استخدام غيره عند الحاجة لنسخ اسطوانة من أى نوع سواء كانت CD  أو  DVD 
وهذا يرجع إلى أن البرنامج به الكثير من الأدوات التى تساعدك على نسخ الصوتيات على سى دى اوديو أو نسخ الفيديوهات على اسطوانات لتشغيلها على أجهزة VCD  أو DVD كما أنه أيضا يدعم نسخ الدات العادية على اسطوانات وأيضا نسخ اسطوانات الأيزو والكثير من الصيغ الأخرى

Free Any Burn 1.6

صور البرنامج

Free Any Burn is a small and simple-to-use software application that enables you to burn CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs quickly. It can be handled by all types of users, regardless of their experience level.

After a brief and uneventful setup procedure that does not require any special input from the user, you are greeted by a standard window with a plain and simple interface, where you can select one of the listed tasks.

Therefore, you can burn an image file to disc, by selecting the burning drive and speed. As far as settings go, you can make the tool verify the written data, eject the disc after burning, as well as finalize the disc (an option which is required by media players). The application supports a lot of image files, such as ISO, DAA, BIN, MDF, MDS, NRG, CDI, IMG, UIF and WIM.

In addition, you can create an audio CD from MP3, WMA, WAV, APE and FLAC tracks, burn various files and folders to disc, copy a disc or erase a rewritable one, create an image file from a disc or from files and folders, convert image files to ISO or BIN/CUE, rip an audio CD, as well as view the properties of a disc or drive.

Free Any Burn is very low-demanding when it comes to the CPU and system memory, has a good response time and carries out a task in reasonable time. No error dialogs have been shown in our tests and the app did not hang or crash. Thanks to its intuitive layout yet rich features, Free Any Burn should please the entire audience.

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