تعتبر فيروسات المالور من البرجيات الخبيثة والتى قد يصعب على برامج الحماية والأنتى فيروس العادية كشفها

لذلك فهناك الكثير من البرامج المتخصصة التى تمنحك حماية فرصة لكشف وإزالة فيروسات المالور والتروجان وغيرها من الفيروسات والملفات الخبيثة

ومن هذه البرامج برنامج EMCO Malware Destroyer المجانى والذى يعمل جانباً إلى جنب مع برنامج الانتى فيروس لتكون فى أمان تام من تهديد هذه الفيروسات

وفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم آخر إصدار من البرنامج مرفق معه التفعيل

برنامج الحماية من فيروسات المالور | EMCO Malware Destroyer

برنامج الحماية من فيروسات المالور | EMCO Malware Destroyer

EMCO Malware Destroyer is a unique malware removal tool with a new and faster scanning engine! It only takes about ~10 seconds to scan your whole computer for over 10000 real targeting definitions. Supports most types of malwares like, adware, Browser Helper Objects (BHO), hijackers, keyloggers, drives-by-downloads, Layered Service Providers (LSP), parasitware, rats, retrospies, scumware, searchpage hijackers, snoopware, spam, surveillance software, thiefware, trojans, worms, spyware and dialers.

Protect Your PC from Malware Using Free Antivirus with Fast Scan Engine! Free personal antivirus with an ultra-speed scan engine. It helps you to organize personal malware protection and effectively find and destroy various threats.

EMCO Malware Destroyer is a free antivirus tool that helps you to organize personal antivirus protection of your PC and perform regular fast malware scans to detect and remove various threats.

Main advantages:

Extremely fast malware scan. Only few seconds are required to perform complete PC scan to detect malware presence.
Over 10,000 threats in database. Malware signatures database contains over ten thousand entries of real-world threats.
Frequent signatures update. Malware signatures database is updated often to include information about latest threats.
Users participation. Thousands users participate in the database update by anonymously submitting information about their system, that helps to find latest threats and include new signatures to update.
Use EMCO Malware Destroyer for FREE. Keep your PC protected from malware and other threats without spending your budget for it.

EMCO Network Malware Cleaner was designed to be a free antivirus solution that helps you to follow best practices of antivirus protection day-by-day. Core features of this solution are ability to perform extremely fast malware scan, that allows you to execute it frequently, and complete and up-to-date virus database that contains information about latest threats.

Features of EMCO Malware Destroyer:

Handy tool to scan and clean Virus, Warms, Trojan and Adware on your local machine.
Single-click scans for Virus, Warms, Trojan and Aware.
Low cost solution for personal computer security.
Built in Virus definition database with thousands of virus definitions.
Continuously growing database of virus definitions.
Users can request the addition of a particular virus to the virus definition database.
Progress indicator.
Fast and silent execution of virus scan and clean process
Built-in virus removal tools for most common Adware and Spyware.
Custom user logon option
Built-in live update option to download updated virus definitions from EMCO website.

مساحة البرنامج 13 ميجا تقريباً

تحميل موفق للجميع

انتهى الموضوع

كلمات دلالية :

برنامج الحماية من فيروسات المالور , تحميل برنامج الحماية من فيروسات المالور , آخر إصدار برنامج الحماية من فيروسات المالور , برنامج الحماية من فيروسات المالور 2018 , EMCO Malware Destroyer , برنامج EMCO Malware Destroyer , تحميل برنامج EMCO Malware Destroyer , حمل برابط مبار EMCO Malware Destroyer , حمل برابط تورنت EMCO Malware Destroyer

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