برنامج أدوبى لإنشاء مشاريع التعليم الإليكترونى | Adobe Captivate
برنامج Adobe Captivate عبارة عن أداة تأليف تم تطويرها لإنشاء والحفاظ على مشاريع التعلم الإلكتروني
، بما في ذلك الدورات التدريبية ومظاهرات البرامج وعمليات المحاكاة ، بالإضافة إلى العروض والاختبارات.
يعيد برنامج Adobe Captivate 2019 إعادة تصميم طريقة التعلم الإلكتروني التفاعلية لعالم متعدد الأجهزة.
تطوير التعلم المحمول على أي شاشة دون الحاجة إلى البرمجة باستخدام التأليف المستجيب الجديد كليًا.
استخدم الآن واجهة مستخدم بديهية لتحويل عروض PowerPoint التقديمية إلى استخدام التعلم الإلكتروني باستخدام الممثلين والأصوات والتفاعلات والاختبارات.
استفد من نشر HTML5 الأفضل في فئته لتوصيل أي محتوى إلى الأجهزة المحمولة ، وشبكة الإنترنت ، وأجهزة سطح المكتب ، و LMSs الرائدة.
إصدار سريع لمجموعة واسعة من محتوى التعلم الإلكتروني المتجاوب أولاً والأول من دون الحاجة إلى البرمجة باستخدام واجهة مستخدم بديهية جديدة تمامًا ومبسطة.
وفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم آخر إصدار من البرنامج مرفق معه التفعيل
برنامج أدوبى لإنشاء مشاريع التعليم الإليكترونى | Adobe Captivate
Adobe Captivate is an authoring tool developed to create and maintain e-learning projects, including courses, software demonstrations and simulations, as well as presentations and quizzes. Adobe Captivate 2019 software reimagines the way interactive eLearning is created for a multi-device world. Develop any-screen mobile learning without programming using all-new responsive authoring.
Now use an intuitive UI to transform PowerPoint presentations into engaging eLearning using actors, voices, interactions, and quizzes.
Leverage best-in-class HTML5 publishing to deliver any content to mobile devices, the web, desktops, and leading LMSs.
Rapidly author a wide range of mobile-first, responsive eLearning content without programming using an all-new, simplified intuitive UI.
Easily preview content for different screen sizes by selecting device layouts on the fly.
Leverage device-specific capabilities, such as GPS, accelerometer, and gesture support, to deliver mobile learning as it is truly meant to be.
Immersive learning with VR experiences [NEW]
Battle shrinking attention spans with immersive learning scenarios that your learners can experience in Virtual Reality using VR headsets. Now Adobe Captivate makes it possible for you to import 360° media assets and add hotspots, quizzes and other interactive elements to engage your learners with near real-life scenarios. Achieve learning use cases such as – “be in the shoes of”, “virtual tours”, “crises management”, “safety drills” and more.
Fluid boxes 2.0 [ENHANCED]
Objects placed in Fluid Boxes get aligned automatically so that learners always get a fully responsive experience regardless of their device or browser. Use the pre-defined boxes in a responsive theme or draw your own. In the 2019 release of Adobe Captivate, Fluid Boxes get a productivity makeover – use the intuitive UI to control and customize your Fluid Boxes, view and change parent-child relations, distribute objects in a single click, define object positions in Static Fluid Boxes and more.
Interactive videos [NEW]
Liven up demos and training videos by making them interactive with the new Adobe Captivate. Create your own or bring in existing YouTube videos, add questions at specific points and conduct knowledge checks. Add bookmarks in the timeline to aid learner remediation. Customize feedback options for answers and interactions.
Live device preview [NEW]
See exactly how your eLearning content will play out on your learners’ VR devices. Use the live preview feature in Adobe Captivate to generate a QR code that you can scan using a mobile device and mirror the project real-time on your device browser. Once the initial connection is done, you can keep previewing all your work across projects as long as the Adobe Captivate session is active.
360⁰ learning experiences [NEW] Augment the learning landscape with 360° images and videos and convert them into interactive eLearning material with customizable overlay items such as information blurbs, audio content & quizzes. Make learners explore their surroundings and actively engage with the environment to enhance retention. Achieve complex learning use cases such as compliance protocols in action, virtual walkthroughs, realistic product demos and more.
Automatic chroma key effects [New]
Transform your videos by making their backgrounds transparent and replace them in just a few clicks without the need for any green-screen technology. Personalize your video background by adding images or videos of places, scenarios or on-slide content. Get your project on the road with free media assets shipped with Adobe Captivate or choose your own.
Smart video recording – webcam + screen [NEW]
Create studio-quality HD videos as you simultaneously record your webcam and on-screen content with just a few clicks. Adjust the talking-head video position and add persona to your training content. Easily edit the videos in Adobe Captivate and add interactivity to multi-screen video-based learning.
CSV question import template [NEW] Reduce authoring time and effort with the .csv Question Import template in Adobe Captivate, which helps you automatically create question slides in your Adobe Captivate Project. Include all question slide logic in the same .csv file such as marks, correct answers and feedback. You can also import format-compatible question banks from other authoring tools with just a few clicks.
PowerPoint to responsive eLearning [NEW] Fast-forward to smart eLearning authoring by importing PowerPoint presentations to Adobe Captivate with just a few clicks. Transform static PowerPoint slides into responsive eLearning content that works seamlessly across all devices.
Enhance the learning experience by adding interactive elements, assets and quizzes.
Automatic device preview [NEW]
Hit the play button to see your content automatically change shape and form factor across the full spectrum of device sizes. Get a holistic view of how responsive your content is on every screen size.
and more…
System requirements:
2 GHz or faster Intel processor
Windows operating systems – Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10
Windows 64-bit operating system is supported.
10GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash-based storage devices)
Adobe Flash Player 10 (or more) for viewing multimedia content
1024×768 display (1280×1024 recommended) with WebGL compatible Graphics Cards
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كلمات دلالية :
برنامج أدوبى لإنشاء مشاريع التعليم الإليكترونى , تحميلبرنامج أدوبى لإنشاء مشاريع التعليم الإليكترونى , حمل برابط تورنتبرنامج أدوبى لإنشاء مشاريع التعليم الإليكترونى, Adobe Captivate , برنامج Adobe Captivate, تحميل برنامج Adobe Captivate, تنزيل برنامج Adobe Captivate, حمل برابط تورنتAdobe Captivate, حمل برابط مباشر Adobe Captivate, تفعيل برنامج Adobe Captivate , كراك برنامج Adobe Captivate
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