تحميل برنامج Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition

لا يوجد أي معنى لإضاعة الوقت في Excel بعد الآن ، قم بتسريع نفسك باستخدام Ablebits!

تتضمن مجموعة الأدوات أكثر من 70 أداة احترافية مع أكثر من 300 خيار وحالات استخدام لإنجاز أي مهمة في Excel بسرعة وبدون أخطاء.

لقد تم العمل على تطوير الوظائف الإضافية لـ Office لمدة 20 عامًا لإنشاء رمز مثالي للحلول التي تعمل على جميع إصدارات Excel و Windows.

وفى هذه التدوينة نقدم لك آخر إصدار من البرنامج مرفق معه التفعيل.


تحميل برنامج Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition 2022.3.3345.1097

تحميل برنامج Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition


برنامج Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition



There’s no sense in wasting time in Excel anymore, speed up yourself with Ablebits! The toolset includes 70+ professional tools with 300+ options and use cases for you to accomplish any task in Excel quickly and flawlessly. We’ve been developing Office add-ins for 20 years and paid our dues to create the perfect code of solutions that work on all Excel and Windows versions.

Make your text data as perfect as numbers
Microsoft Excel is not all about numbers and formulas, but also text. Regrettably, it doesn’t provide that many ways for managing text content. Luckily, Ultimate Suite makes up for that omission with a selection of lovely utilities to remove excess spaces, get rid of extra blanks, extract substrings, change case, delete or replace unwanted characters, clear formatting and convert text to numbers.

Manage formulas and selections with a click
The Ultimate Suite offers 9 beautiful tools to manage formulas and select cells that meet certain criteria. Using these features you can swiftly replace formulas with their values, count and sum cells by color, filter by selected cells, recalculate ranges, select cells of a certain type, all with a single button click!

Little time-savers that make a big difference
The Ultimate Suite was designed to address the needs of all users that work with Excel on a daily basis. So, why don’t we add a few more tools to make your life a little easier and your work a bit more comfortable? Just think of them as a nice bonus to help you manage your workbooks, watermarks, comments and blanks.

Combine data from different sources in no time
If you deal with large worksheets, hundreds or thousands of rows in each, matching and merging data is always a nightmare… unless you have a few specialized wizards at your fingertips. From joining individual cells to consolidating multiple workbooks, the Ultimate Suite covers all of the merging tasks you perform in Excel.

Slice and dice your tables the easy way
The Ultimate Suite will revolutionize the way you manage and analyze data in Excel. With the ability to combine entries from multiple rows, ignoring duplicates and skipping empty cells, you can make your tables compact and clear. Or look at your data from different viewpoints with a set of splitting tools.

Elegant solutions to remove duplicates and find uniques
Duplicates may crawl into your worksheets in so many ways. The Ultimate Suite delivers three essential tools to eliminate them. Powerful and versatile, they will help you quickly find duplicate and unique entries within a table or compare two different worksheets.

Rearrange ranges effortlessly
Data in an Excel file may be arranged in a way that simply doesn’t work. With multipurpose range transformation capabilities, you can reshape your worksheets on the fly. A number of simple-yet-beautiful solutions enable you to transpose, unpivot, rebuild, convert, flip and swap your ranges to adjust the layout to your liking.

Fill blanks and get random data sets in a flash
Empty cells in your worksheets can be troublesome, if not downright destructive. The Ultimate Suite protects the integrity of your data by offering a quick way to fill blanks with values from adjacent cells, upwards or downwards.

Keep your data accurate, consistent and up-to-date
Maintaining data accuracy in large worksheets is increasingly difficult as your data evolves. But who says it has to be that way? Leverage handy at-a-glance options to find and fix broken links, fuzzy matches, typos and similar entries. Use the advanced find capabilities to search and replace in several workbooks at a time.

Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition Features:

Merge and Consolidate

– Merge two tables and add missing columns and rows.
– Match and merge two tables based on key columns.
– Summarize data from several ranges into one sheet.
– Copy data from the selected ranges to one worksheet.
– Turn workbooks to worksheets and place the resulting sheets to one file.
– Combine identically named worksheets into one.
– Copy the selected worksheets to one workbook.
– Merge the selected rows or columns.
– Join several cells keeping all data.

Dedupe and Compare

– Compare two tables for duplicate and unique values.
– Find unique values in one table.
– Find and delete, select, color, copy or move duplicates in one Excel table.
– Find and process duplicates and their 1st occurrences.

Combine and Split

– Combine duplicate rows and paste unique data to one line.
– Split a big table into separate lists by values in the selected column.
– Split multi-part names into several columns.

Transform and Reshape

– Convert summary table to a flat list.
– Transform your table into label cards.
– Swap two ranges in your sheet or workbook.
– Flip the selected range vertically or horizontally.
– Convert rows to columns and vice versa.

Randomize and Fill

– Generate unique random numbers.
– Get random dates and Booleans.
– Save custom lists with values to get random data from them.
– Generate strong passwords, codes, and testing data.
– Shuffle cells in rows, columns, or in the selected range.
– Select certain number or percentage of data at random.
– Fill empty cells with value above or below.

Find and Check

– Find partial duplicates, typos and misspelled words.
– Search and replace data in values, formulas, hyperlinks, and comments.
– Search and export or select the found values.
– Find and fix broken references to other workbooks.

Trim and Clean

– Trim extra leading, trailing, in-between spaces, and  .
– Add text to the selected cells by position.
– Split a column with text to several columns.
– Change text case in your Excel table.
– Convert numbers stored as text to numbers.
– Extract text.
– Remove characters by position.
– Clear formatting in your table.
– Remove non-printing, numeric, text characters, symbols and punctuation marks.
– Convert line break and other characters to any custom symbol.

Select and Calculate

– Count and sum cells based on their color.
– Select certain color to count or sum cells.
– Apply Average/Max/Min functions to the colored data.
– Select cells by type.
– Select cells by value.
– Keep the same selection when switching between sheets.
– Select any value in your list to filter your table.
– Search cells based on their value or color.
– Apply basic calculations to the selected cells.

Quick Utilities

– Delete empty rows, columns and sheets.
– See all open workbooks and sheets on one pane.
– Instantly move columns in your table.
– Insert a watermark in Excel
– Add a Table of Contents
– Get cell or range address to Clipboard.
– Convert formulas to relative or absolute.
– Insert a picture comment in 2 clicks.
– Change a comment shape.
– Manage comments.
– Replace formulas with values.

Release Notes | Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition

Ablebits – News

Supported Windows versions

– Windows 11
– Windows 10
– Windows 8.1
– Windows 8
– Windows 7
– Note! Windows Insider is not supported
– Note! Windows X (on ARM processors) is not supported

Supported Excel versions

– Excel included in ​Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
– Excel 2021
– Excel 2020
– Excel 2019
– Excel 2016
– Excel 2013
– Excel 2010
– Note! Office Insider is not supported


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أسئلة حول Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition

Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition هو مجموعة أدوات احترافية لبرنامج Excel توفر أكثر من 70 أداة وميزة لإنجاز المهام المختلفة في Excel بسرعة وسهولة. تتضمن المجموعة أدوات لمعالجة البيانات، وتحليل البيانات، وإنشاء الرسوم البيانية والجداول، والتعاون على ملفات Excel، وأكثر من ذلك.

تشمل ميزات Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition ما يلي:

أدوات معالجة البيانات: مثل أداة دمج البيانات، وأداة تحويل البيانات، وأداة تنظيف البيانات، وأداة تنسيق البيانات.
أدوات تحليل البيانات: مثل أداة تحليل البيانات الإحصائية، وأداة تحليل البيانات المالية، وأداة تحليل البيانات الزمنية.
أدوات إنشاء الرسوم البيانية والجداول: مثل أداة إنشاء الرسوم البيانية الاحترافية، وأداة إنشاء الجداول المعقدة، وأداة إنشاء المخططات الهرمية.
أدوات التعاون على ملفات Excel: مثل أداة التعليقات التوضيحية، وأداة المناقشات، وأداة التحكم في الإصدارات.
أدوات أخرى: مثل أداة تحويل Excel إلى PDF، وأداة تحويل PDF إلى Excel، وأداة فك تشفير Excel.

تتطلب Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition نظام التشغيل Windows 10 أو 11 و Microsoft Excel 2016 أو 2019 أو 2021 أو 2022.

هناك العديد من البدائل لبرنامج Ablebits Ultimate Suite for Excel Business Edition، ومنها:

  • Power Pivot: هي أداة تحليل بيانات مُضمَّنة في Excel.
  • Tableau: هي أداة إنشاء الرسوم البيانية والجداول الاحترافية.
  • Microsoft Power BI: هي أداة تحليل بيانات متكاملة.
  • QlikView: هي أداة تحليل بيانات ذكية.

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