أداة حديثة لتفعيل جميع إصدارات ويندوز 10

الأداة تعمل بدون تثبيت وسهلة التشغيل وبضغطة واحد فقط تستطيع الحصول على نسخة مفهلة من ويندوز 10

الأداة نظيفة ولا تحتوىعلى أى برامج خبيثة

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أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10 | Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script 5.0

أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10 | Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script 5.0

W10 Digital License Activation Script.cmd. Activate the Windows 10 permanently with digital License.


– All the files are 100% clean on virus total.
-This script does not install any files in your system.
-Windows update must be enabled at the time of activation.
-Internet connection is required for instant activation,

but If you’re running it offline then the system will auto-activate At the next online contact.
-Use of VPN, and privacy, anti spy tools,

privacy-based hosts and firewall’s rules may cause problems in successful Activation.
-After activation, In same hardware, if you reinstall the same windows 10 edition then the system will auto-activate itself but This applies to the only retail version of Windows 10.
– If you are using VL version of Windows 10 then Users will have to insert that windows edition product key. After that system will auto-activate. You can insert the product key manually or you can use tool’s option “Insert default product key” This saves all the generating ticket and activation process.
– If your system is already permanent activated, But if you are interested in Testing how this script activate thenenter folowing in elevated cmd
slmgr /upk It’ll put the system in the unlicensed state and after that, you can Test the activation process.
– For Making Preactivated Windows 10 ISO
Use PowerISO software to open your windows 10 ISO. Now copy the $OEM$ folder from here and paste it in sources Folder of the ISO. The directory will appear like this iso:\sources\$OEM$\ Now click the option save as, in PowerISO.

Supported Windows 10 Editions:

Core (Home) and (N)
CoreSingleLanguage and (N)
Professional and (N)
ProfessionalEducation and (N)
ProfessionalWorkstation and (N)
Education and (N)
Enterprise and (N)
EnterpriseS (LTSB) 2016 and (N)

Whats New:

– Added the option “Change Windows 10 Edition” (Thanks to rpo)
– Fixed a issue in detecting Permanent Activation before activation in Non English os. (Thanks to rpo and abbodi1406)
– Separate $OEM$ Folder is removed now and replaced it with an option “Extract $OEM$ Folder to Desktop”. (Thanks to rpo and mxman2k)
– Edition detection method is changed to the best config. (Thanks to rpo, mxman2k and abbodi1406)
(In installed product key stage accuracy is 100%, but in ‘removed product key stage’ edition ‘may or may not’ revert back to pro or core
(which ever is your base install) Script will show a warning when it detect removed key stage.
There is no method available in cmd to detect editions with 100% accuracy in ‘Removed product Key stage’. You should know that
hwidgen won’t work in removed key stage, angelkyo tool will crash and Ratiborus tool will change the edition.
– Many codes are optimized now. (Thanks to rpo)
– Archive changed to zip so it doesn’t need 3rd party tools to open it.
– Read me and options layout is changed.

مساحة الأداة 1 ميجا تقريباً

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كلمات دلالية :

أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10 , تحميل أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10, تنزيل أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10, حمل برابط مباشر أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10, حمل برابط تورنت أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10, تنزيل أداة تفعيل ويندوز 10, Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script , برنامجWindows 10 Digital License Activation Script, تحميل برنامج Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script ,أداة Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script, حمل برابط مباشر Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script, حمل من أكثر من سيرفر Windows 10 Digital License Activation Script

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