O&O Defrag Professional cover
عملية الديفراج Defrag  هى أحد الأشياء الأساسية التى يتكاسل عنها البعض مع العلم بأن أغلب الأشخاص الذين يعانون من بطأ أنظمة التشغيل بشكل قد تكون هذه هى المشكلة وهى تجزئة الملفات على الهارد

برنامج إلغاء تجزئة الهارد وعمل ديفراج O&O Defrag Professional كامل بالتفعيل

عملية الديفراج O&O Defrag Professional هى أحد الأشياء الأساسية التى يتكاسل عنها البعض مع العلم بأن أغلب الأشخاص الذين يعانون من بطأ أنظمة التشغيل بشكل قد تكون هذه هى المشكلة وهى تجزئة الملفات على الهارد

فتخيل معى عندما تريد إستدعام ملف معين من الهارد لتشغيله فإذا كان هذا الملف فى مكان واحد على الهارد فيكون تشغيله أسرع مما لو كان متفرق على أجزاء على الهارد
وبإمكانك عمل إلغاء تجزئة الملفات من الهارد ( الديفراج    ) عن طريق أداة الويندوز الخاصة بذلك ولكن يعيب هذه الأداة الإفتراضية الفترة الزمانية التى تقضيها الأداء لإلغاء بارتيشن واحد فقط مما يجعل هذا الأمر صعب أو لا يفضله المستخدم
وهذا ما شجعنى أن أعرض عليكم اليوم برنامج مميز وسهل لعمل الديفراج بسرعة وبكفاءة عالية
O&O Defrag Professional

البرنامج كامل مرفق معه سيريال التفعيل

O&O Defrag Professional cover

Do not wait too long! If you work on computers a lot, then slow system and program starts, endless rendering and memory processes, or even system crashes when playing can quickly ruin your enjoyment. Defragmenting your PC can hugely accelerate the speed you can work on your PC. When you defragment, those files fragmented across the hard disk are logically rearranged so that files can be quickly recognized and processed by the hardware. Performance gains of up to 100% are not uncommon!

You can now see what the program does for your system thanks to graphics and statistics, which give you a before-and-after Defrag contrast!

Deleting free space on hard disks
Privacy in capital letters: O&O Defrag 17 can also be used for deleting free space on hard disks. This prevents traces of confidential data left over from partially-deleted or temporary files from falling into the hands of any strangers. Simply let O&O Defrag 17 Pro confidential data securely automatically after a defragmentation run.

Performance increases of up to 100%
A continuous sorting of files on hard disks means they can be read quicker by Windows, which in turn accelerates all the read and write accesses by up to 100%.

Shorter defragmentation times and faster system and program starts
With O&O Defrag 17, several drives can be defragmented simultaneously. In addition, the algorithms have been substantially accelerated, reducing the time required for a defragmentation by up to 40%. By using O&O Defrag, files can be read and written much more quickly. What at first seems to be lost performance can easily be rediscovered and realized again with O&O Defrag, giving you the peace of mind that your hardware is in good health and operating optimally.

Automatic defragmentation in the background
O&O Defrag works quietly in the background so that the defragmentation process does not disturb other tasks and has no negative performance impact on your systems.

Native optimization of virtual disks and Storage Area Networks (SAN)
Virtual machines are not just gaining popularity in the business world. That is why O&O Defrag 17 can now reduce and optimize the actual memory usage of virtual machines.

Manufacturer-independent optimization for SSDs
O&O Defrag makes it possible to optimize SSD drives through TRIM commands regardless of their manufacturer even under Windows XP and Vista. Access times for SSDs are sped up, and early wear and tear effects are prevented.

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