يوفر برنامج Nvidia PhysX System واقعية في الوقت الحقيقي في الألعاب الحديثة لأجهزة الكمبيوتر ولوحات المفاتيح.
تعمل أكثر من 150 لعبة على برنامج PhysX ،
يعتمد عدد المطورين الذين يستخدمون PhysX في مجالات مختلفة على 10000 ،
ويتم دعم البرنامج نفسه من قبل Sony Playstation 3 و Microsoft Xbox 360 و Nintendo Wii و PC.
وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن تقنية PhysX مصممة خصيصًا لتسريع الأجهزة باستخدام معالجات قوية بمئات النوى.
وفى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم آخر إصدار من هذا البرنامج
برنامج دعم وتسريع الألعاب | Nvidia PhysX System Software 9.19.0218
NVIDIA PhysX -powerful physics engine provides realistic physics in real time in the modern games for computers and consoles.
More than 150 games are working on a software-based PhysX, the number of developers using PhysX in various areas exceeds 10,000
and the software itself is supported by Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and PC.
It should be noted that the PhysX technology is designed specifically for hardware acceleration using powerful processors with hundreds of cores.
The implementation of physics in games – not an easy task. This area is extremely demanding to intensive computation
and is based on a unique set of physics algorithms
which are necessary for the implementation of an incredible number of simultaneous mathematical
and logical calculations. And here can be very useful falls technology NVIDIA ® PhysX ™ processor and GeForce ®.
In addition, PhysX technology is designed specifically for hardware acceleration using powerful processors with hundreds of cores.
Combined with the incredible ability to GPU parallel computing PhysX will provide an exponential increase in power when rendering physics
and raise the gaming experience to a new level, providing a rich,
immersive gaming environment with such features as: explosions, raising clouds of dust
and transforming everything in ruins, with complex characters geometry, teeming with connectors for a more realistic movement and interaction,
new weapons with incredible effects, producing a lasting impression fabrics that realistically torn and crushed, dense smoke
– is to use one of the millions of NVIDIA PhysX-ready GeForce processors.
Supported products:
Supports NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on all GeForce 8 series GPU, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 with a minimum of 256MB of graphics memory.
Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 7, Windows 8.1
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version
مساحة البرنامج 28 ميجا
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برنامج دعم وتسريع الألعاب , تحميل برنامج دعم وتسريع الألعاب , حمل مجانا برنامج دعم وتسريع الألعاب , Nvidia PhysX System Software , تحميل برنامج Nvidia PhysX System Software , تنزيل برنامج Nvidia PhysX System Software , آخر إصدار من برنامج Nvidia PhysX System Software