تعتبر حزمة Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox بمثابة أدوات متكاملة توفر لك العديد من التحسينات لمحركات أقراص SSD من Intel
والتي يمكنها توفير رؤية لمعايير أداء محرك الأقراص ، مما يتيح لك تقييم أدائه وتشغيل عمليات الصيانة.
ويمكن للتطبيق اكتشاف جميع محركات الأقراص الصلبة المتصلة تلقائيًا والتى تم تصنيعها من قبل Intel
بالإضافة إلى محركات الأقراص الأخرى (SSD أو HDD) التي تم تزويد نظامك بها.
فإنه يعرض معلومات مفصلة عن كل ، مثل النموذج ، والسعة التخزينية الإجمالية
المساحة المستخدمة والمتاحة ، وإصدار البرامج الثابتة والرقم التسلسلي.
فى هذه التدوينة اقدم لكم آخر إصدار من البرنامج
حزمة انتل لتحسين أداء الهارد ديسك | Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox 3.5.12
Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox is:
a complete diagnostics and optimization package for Intel SSDs that can provide an insight of a drive’s functioning parameters
enabling you to assess its performance and run maintenance operations.
The application can automatically detect all the connected solid-state drives manufactured by Intel
as well as the other drives (SSD or HDD) that your system is equipped with.
It displays detailed information about each, such as the model, the total storage capacity, the used and available space, firmware version and serial number.
In addition to this, it comprises data concerning each sector, reserved or not, the general drive configuration
as well as the supported transfer modes and the PIO transfer cycle time, serial ATA, power management, cache, write and read speed.
Based on the SMART parameters, the application can evaluate the drive health and the estimate the drive’s functioning period
You can take a look at the SMART parameters and check out the thresholds using the dedicated section of the program.
Aside from supplying drive identification and performance details, Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox can run a quick
or a full diagnostic scan, in the attempt to evaluate the read and write functionality.
The first scan method only analyzes the 1.5 GB of an SSD, whereas the latter can check for errors and find bad sectors on the entire drive.
You can use Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox to securely erase content stored on your SSD, as well as update the firmware to the latest available version.
Moreover, the performance of the SSD can be optimized using the built-in tuner, which promises to lower power consumption, maintain the drive’s speed and prolong its life.
Created by the manufacturer itself, Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox can be of great use to anyone who uses an Intel SSD.
It gathers information on the current performance, while enabling you to take the necessary actions in order to get the most out of it.
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Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox , برنامج Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox , تحميل برنامج Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox, حزمة أدوات Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox , برنامج صيانة الهارد Intel Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox
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