متصفح سفارى هو أحد البرامج المجانية التى تنتجها شركة أبل ويتم طرحه أيضاً بنسخة خاصة للويندوز كالتى اقدمها لكم فى هذه التدوينة
يتميز برنامج سفارى بخفته وسرعته فى التصفح والكثير والكثير من المميزات الإضافية التى تنافس وبشدة جوجول كروم وفيرفوكس
آخر إصدار من متصفح سفارى | Safari Browser 5.1.7

he best browser for your Mac is the one that comes with your Mac. Safari is faster and more energy efficient than other browsers, so sites are more responsive and your notebook battery lasts longer between charges. Built-in privacy features are stronger than ever. It works with iCloud to let you browse seamlessly across all your devices. And it gives you great ways to find and share your favorites. Put it all together, and no other browser offers such a rich web experience.
More browsing space: Safari is designed to emphasize the browsing, not the browser. The browser frame is a single pixel wide. You see a scroll bar only when needed. By default, there’s no status bar. Instead, a progress indicator turns as your page loads. You’ll find tabs at the very top of the browser, opening an even wider window for viewing websites. A great browser, Safari lets you simply enjoy the web.
Find the sites you need: Looking for a site you visited in the past but can’t quite remember? Use Full History Search to quickly find sites using even the sketchiest search terms. And when you click a web page in Cover Flow, it’s because you’ve already recognized it as the site you were looking for. No more guessing. Innovative features like these show you how good browsing can be.
Satisfy your need for speed: The world’s fastest browser, Safari has speed to burn. Why should you wait for pages to load? You want to see those search results, get the latest news, check current stock prices, right now.
Blazing Performance2x Faster
Safari is the fastest web browser on any platform.
Elegant User Interface
Safari’s clean look lets you focus on the web — not your browser.
Easy Bookmarks
Organize your bookmarks just like you organize music in iTunes.
Pop-up Blocking
Say goodbye to annoying pop-up ads and pop-under windows.
Inline Find
Search any text on any website with the integrated Find banner.
Tabbed BrowsingTabs
Open and switch between multiple web pages in a single window.
Instantly snap back to search results or the top level of a website.
Forms AutoFill
Let Safari complete online forms for you, automatically and securely.
Apple engineers designed Safari to be secure from day one.
What’s New:
* Improve JavaScript performance up to 13% over Safari 5.1
* Address issues that could cause hangs and excessive memory usage
* Improve stability when using Find, dragging tabs, and managing extensions
* Improve stability for netflix.com and other websites that use the Silverlight plug-in
* Address an issue that could prevent East Asian character input into webpages with Flash content
* Address an issue that could cause History items to appear incorrectly
* Improve printing from Safari
* Address an issue that could prevent the Google Safe Browsing Service from updating
** تحميل البرنامج **
مساحة البرنامج 36 ميجا
للتحميل برابط واحد من ميديا فير
أو للتحميل برابط إضافى على أكثر من سيرفر
انتهى الموضوع
تابعنا دائماً لتحميل أحدث البرامج والاسطوانات والكورسات بروابط مباشرة
كلمات مفتاحية :
برنامج سفارى 2015 , تحميل برنامج سفارى 2015 , برنامج سفارى بآخر إصدار , تميل برنامج سفارى 2015 , برنامج Safari Browser , تحميل Safari Browser , آخر إصدار Safari Browser , تنزيل Safari Browser