AdwCleaner is a removal tool for:
Adware (ads software)
PUP/LPI (potentially unwanted programs)
Hijacker (Hijack of the browser’s homepage)
Please note that ‘Avira Antivir Webguard’ uses ASK Toolbar as part of its freeware version. If you remove ASK by using AdwCleaner, ‘Avira Antivir Webguard’ will no longer work properly.
AdwCleaner also contains some advanced options that disable certain detections. To access these options, you can click on the question mark (?) in the upper left corner of the program and then click on Options. You will then be presented with a dialog where you can disable various detections. These options are described below:
DisableAskDetection – This option disables Ask Toolbar detection.
DisableIEDetection – This option disables Internet Explorer specific detections.
DisableFFDetection – This option disables Firefox specific detections.
DisableChromeDetection – This option disables detections for Chrome & Chromium based browsers.
DisableOperaDetection – This option disables Opera specific detections.
DisableProxyDetection – This option disables Internet Proxy detections.