من الأشياء الهامة جداً لأى جهاز كومبيوتر هو وجود أكواد حديثة داعمة لتشغيل الفيديو حتى لا تواجه أى مشاكل فى تشغيل الصوت والفيديو على الويندوز الخاص بك
ومن المعلوم أيضاً أن الفيديوهات وصيغها متطورة بشكل دائم فإذا كنت من مستخدمى الفيديوهات الحديثة أو التى يتم تحميلها من الإنترنت فلن يكفيك برنامج ويندوز ميديا بلاير أو غيره من برامج التشغيل الأخرى من تشغيل كل الفيديوهات
ولذلك فلا تتردد بتحميل أحدث إصدارات من تلك الأكواد للشركات الشهيرة مثل Shark007 كالتى أقدمها لكم اليوم
أحدث حزمة كودك لكل الويندوزات | ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 7/8.1/10 v7.9.7 Final
The ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 installer will automatically remove most other popular codec releases from your computer before installing this concise yet comprehensive package. You won’t need to make any adjustments or tweaks to enjoy your media content immediately. Windows Media Player and Windows 7 Media Center will instantly recognize all your files as playable.
ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 pack does:
1. Full color thumbnails including FLV’s and 10bit MKV’s.
(also allows users to select at what point by percentage to grab the thumbnail)
2. Enable the Preview Pane for ALL newly enabled filetypes such as MKV and FLV.
3. Explorer properties are displayed for non native filetypes such as MKV and FLV
4. Updated often – and has update notification builtin
5. Allow use of the PowerDVD decoders for 32bit LiveTV in Media Center.
6. Support playback of MKV files on Extenders and on the Xbox One.
7. Support use of the LAV filters with the Play To function for MKV files.
8. Support playback of MOD audio files and M4A files containing ALAC
9. Supports playlist creation for use in Media Center
10. Allow users to Enable/Disable codecs installed on their system
11. Functionality such as Win7DSFilterTweaker builtin.
12. Support ‘Add to Windows Media Player List’ using rightclick on all files such as MKV.
H264 / AVC, hi10p / HEVC codecs are activated by default for use by all players.
When the 3D decoder is active, LAV Video will report, Active Decoder: msdk mvc.
Codecs for Windows 10 are fully tested AND supported.
The following filetypes are enabled and SUPPORTED by the installation of the Windows 7 Codecs: amr, mpc, ofr, divx, mka, ape, flac, evo, flv, m4b, mkv, ogg, ogv, ogm, rmvb, xvid. All of the above filetypes can be queued to the Windows Media Player Playlist using a right-click.
This ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 package supports 20 localizations. The default is English and the installer includes support for the following other languages: Arabic, Chinese Simplified/Traditional, Japanese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Swedish and Turkish. Languages can be added upon request.
Notable updates (current):
– update LAV filters
– update MPC-BE filters
– update MediaInfo DLL 7.97
– update Icaros 3.0.2B2
– update x264vfw 2851
– support for the Alliance for Open Media (AV1 video playback and thumbnails)
– fully support 3D playback – see Setup and usage for more info
UPGRADE installations are fully functional! (but not recommended)
If you are upgrading to solve an issue, I suggest that you UNINSTALL the old version
This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the GPLv2.0.
Current releases introduce 3D decoding of files, ISO’s and disks.
ОS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32 and 64-bit)
مساحة البرنامج 55 ميجا
انتهى الموضوع
كلمات مفتاحية :
برنامج كودك , كودك Shark007 , حمل كودك Shark007 , آخر إصدار من كودك Shark007 , ADVANCED Codecs for Windows , كودك ADVANCED Codecs for Windows , برنامج ADVANCED Codecs for Windows , تحميل كودك لحل مشاكل الفيديو , كودك 2017 , ADVANCED Codecs for Windows 2017