أحدث إصدارات: Windows Server

Windows Server 2016 x64 VL

ويندوز سيرفر | Windows Server 2016

أحدث الاسطوانات التجميعية لإصدارات ويندوز سيرفر 2016 بآخر التحديثات

النسخة من إنتاج الفريق العالمى جنريشن 2

تفعيل الويندوز KMS مدمج مع النسخة وتتمكن من التفعيل بشكل تلقائى

النسخة مضاف إليها آخر التحديثات حتى شهر دسيمبر 2019

النسخة للنواة 64 بت وباللغة الإنجليزية

ويندوز سيرفر 2016 | Windows Server 2016 x64 VL | بتحديثات دسيمبر 2019

حمل الإصدار الأحدث من الرابط التالى :

ويندوز سيرفر 2016 | Windows Server 2016 x64 VL

ويندوز سيرفر | Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2016 x64 VL with Update 12.2019

Size File: 5.07 GB
Windows Server 2016 with updates on December 2019. The assembly is based on the original images MSDN:


Windows Server 2016 Standard En with GUI
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter En with GUI
All editors have the distribution channel Volume

The composition of the Support folder are automatically copied to your desktop
Activators: KMS Tools Portable 12.2019 (KMS Tools is a pack with activators and utilities)
Drayverpak: SDI R1909 c drivers of 12.2019 for LAN / Chipset / MassStorage / USB /

The list of programs as part of MInstall shell:

Software installation is performed by MInstall shell after installing the OS. (No timer)
It is possible to select the software that you need to put and what not.
WinRAR v5.80, 7-ZIP v19.00


Notepad ++ v7.8.2
Microsoft Visual C ++ (Lib) 2005 … 2019
HashTab v6.0.0.34, CrystalDiskInfo v8.3.2, CPU-Z v1.91
KMS38 (until 2038)
AAct v4.0.0
For the stable activation of a reset timer 30sec added, do not fuss.

Stop the installation program after the launch is not necessary, at the end of the installation, the computer program will be restarted

Kit Snappy Driver Installer c drivers of 12.2019 for LAN / Chipset / MassStorage / USB has been added to the image
A small set of Snappy Driver Installer R1909 c drivers of 12.2019 for LAN / Chipset / MassStorage / USB has been added to the image –
\ Sources \ $ OEM $ \ $ 1 \ Users \ Public \ Desktop \ Soft \ Drivers \ drayverpak \ SDI_1909 ~ 500MB
At start SDI_x64_R1909.exe shell may set the dates of the drivers, and with an Internet presence of selected tighten driver packages
or to update the drivers you.

Changed the following components:

Changes in standard components:
.NET Framework 3.5 – Included
Windows-Defender-Features – Disabled
Windows-Defender – Disabled
Server-Drivers-Printers – Disabled

Stage of development: Release
Version-build: 10.0.14393.3383
Developer: Microsoft
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: English
Medicine: Present
The author builds: AG
System requirements:
2 GHz 64-bit processor

مساحة النسخة 4.9 جيجا تقريباً

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