Windows 10 19H1 Lite v10 x64
نسخة لايت من ويندوز 10 معدلة بإحترافية وبتحديثات يونيو 2019
النسخة من إعداد الفريق العالمى تيم أو إس والمتخصص فى إنتاج نسخ الويندوز المميزة والخالية من الأخطاء والثغرات
ويندوز 10 لايت هو أحدث إصدارات الفريق والذى تم الإعتماد فيه على ويندوز 10 برو للنواة 64 بت الإصدار 19H1
مع حذف الأدوات الغير مستخدمة وحذف متجر ميكروسوفت وكذلك البرامج المدعومة والتى تنزل إجبارياً وأغلبنا لا يكون فى حاجة لهذه البرامج
النسخة سهلة التثبيت ومفعلة بشكل تلقائى ومدمج معها آخر التحديثات
ويندوز 10 المخفف 2019 | Windows 10 19H1 Lite v10 x64
x64 | languages:English,German,Greek,French,Spanish,Italian,Turkish | File Size: 2.33 GB
Windows 10 is a series of personal computer operating systems produced by Microsoft as part of its Windows NT family of operating systems.
It is the successor to Windows 8.1, and was released to manufacturing on July 15, 2015, and to retail on July 29, 2015.
Windows 10 receives new releases on an ongoing basis, which are available at no additional cost to users.
Devices in enterprise environments can receive these updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support milestones that only receive critical updates, such as security patches, over their ten-year lifespan of extended support. Details Special ISO:
Modified ISO:WIN.10.Lite.Edition.v10.2019.Multilanguage.x64
Features Enabled:3.5 NetFramework
Convert Mode:Install.wim<Install.esd
Size:2,33 GB (2.512.718.151 bytes)
Activation:Permantly Activation( Generate Digital License) v62.01
Services:Default Services / winrar-x64-571.exe
Removed components:
winre:windows recovery removed!
Application Virtualization (App-V)
Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov)
biometricservice Windows Biometric Service
diagnostics Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
diskdiagnosis Disk failure diagnostics
errorreportingcpl Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support
facerecognition Face Recognition
flashactivex Adobe Flash for Internet Explorer
font_holomd2 Holo MDL2 Assets
Game Explorer
Windows Help content
Help file support (CHM)
hwsupport_fax Fax
hwsupport_internetprintingclient Internet Printing Client
insiderhub Windows Insider Hub
isoburn Windows Disc Image Burning Tool
Input Method Editor (IME)
langimejp Japanese (IME)
langimeko Korean (IME)
Chinese Traditional (IME)
lxss Windows Subsystem for Linux
mailcommdll Windows Mail Communications DLL
manifestbackup Manifest Backup (WinSxS\Backup)
manualsetup Manual Setup
Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml Advertising.Xaml
Microsoft.BingWeather BingWeather
Microsoft.BioEnrollment BioEnrollment
Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller DesktopAppInstaller
Microsoft.GetHelp GetHelp
Microsoft.Getstarted Tips (Get Started)
Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension HEIFImageExtension
Microsoft.Messaging Messaging
Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer 3DViewer
Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge Edge
Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient EdgeDevToolsClient
Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub OfficeHub
Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection SolitaireCollection
Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes StickyNotes
Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal MixedReality.Portal
Microsoft.MSPaint Paint 3D
Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.7 NET.Native.Framework.1.7
Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2 NET.Native.Framework.2.2
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.7 NET.Native.Runtime.1.7
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2 NET.Native.Runtime.2.2
Microsoft.Office.OneNote Office.OneNote
Microsoft.OneConnect Mobile Plans
Microsoft.People People
Microsoft.Print3D Print3D
Microsoft.ScreenSketch ScreenSketch
Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement Services.Store.Engagement
Microsoft.SkypeApp SkypeApp
Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp StorePurchaseApp
Microsoft.Wallet Wallet Service
Microsoft.Windows.Apprep.ChxApp SmartScreen
Microsoft.Windows.Cortana Cortana
Microsoft.Windows.Photos Photos
Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI Windows Defender
Microsoft.Windows.XGpuEjectDialog XGpuEjectDialog
Microsoft.WindowsAlarms Alarms
Microsoft.WindowsCamera Camera
microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps Windows Mail
Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub FeedbackHub
Microsoft.WindowsMaps Maps
Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder SoundRecorder
Microsoft.WindowsStore Windows Store
Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI Xbox.TCUI
Microsoft.XboxApp Xbox App
Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI XboxGameCallableUI
Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay XboxGameOverlay
Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay XboxGamingOverlay
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider XboxIdentityProvider
Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
Microsoft.YourPhone YourPhone
Microsoft.ZuneMusic ZuneMusic
Microsoft.ZuneVideo ZuneVideo
migwiz Easy Transfer
mixedreality Windows Mixed Reality
ndu Network Data Usage Monitoring Driver
otherthemes Other Themes
passport Microsoft Passport
pdfreader Windows Reader (PDF)
printtopdf Print to PDF
printworkflow Print Workflow Service
reliabilityanalysis Reliability Analysis Services
retaildemo Retail Demo Content
sharedpc Shared PC mode
skypeortc Skype ORTC
soundsdefault Sounds (Default)
soundthemes Sound Themes
speechcommon Speech Recognition
speechtts Speech TTS
srumon Data Usage service
sstackwow64 Servicing Stack – 32 bit
stepsrecorder Steps Recorder
tempcache Cache and temp files
unp Universal Notification Platform (UNP)
winsat Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT)
Whats New:
The New v10 lite edition is full maded and more languages added!
KB4498523:Service Stuck Updated
KB4495620:Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 RTM
KB4503308:Security update for Adobe Flash Player
June 11, 2019—KB4503293 (OS Build 18362.175):
Improvements and fixes:
This update includes quality improvements. Key changes include:
-Addresses a security vulnerability by intentionally preventing connections between Windows and Bluetooth devices that are not secure and use well-known keys to encrypt connections, including security fobs.
If BTHUSB Event 22 in the Event Viewer states, “Your Bluetooth device attempted to establish a debug connection….”, then your system is affected.
Contact your Bluetooth device manufacturer to determine if a device update exists. For more information, see CVE-2019-2102 and KB4507623.
-Security updates to Windows Virtualization, Microsoft Scripting Engine, Internet Explorer, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Windows Input and Composition, Windows Media, Windows Shell, Windows Server, Windows Authentication, Windows Cryptography, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows SQL Components, the Microsoft JET Database Engine, and Internet Information Ser
System Requirements:
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster.
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB).
Free space on hard disk: 16 gigabytes (GB).
Graphics card: DirectX 9 graphics device or a newer version.
Additional requirements to use certain features.
To use touch you need a tablet or monitor that supports multitouch.
To access the Windows store to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels.
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