طريقة التحميل

كيف تعمل هذه الدورة؟

لقد قسمت هذه الدورة إلى 14 يومًا. يحتوي كل يوم على موضوع جديد وينقسم كل موضوع إلى 4 مقاطع فيديو قصيرة.

سيعرض الفيديو الأول 8 كلمات أو مصطلحات.

سأشرح في هذا الفيديو معنى هذه الكلمات وسأقدم مثالاً على كيفية استخدامها في جملة. في النهاية ، سنراجع المفردات.

في الفيديو الثاني أقدم مثالاً للموضوع. في هذا الفيديو ، استخدم الكلمات من الفيديو 1 لإلقاء خطاب. هذا يسمح لك برؤيتي باستخدام المفردات.

الفيديو الثالث هو الفيديو الأكثر أهمية. في هذا الفيديو ، أعطيك فرصة لإلقاء خطاب باستخدام مفردات الموضوع. ولكن هناك قاعدة واحدة:

لا يمكنك القول: umm ، ahh ، enn أو أي وقفة أو مداخلة مملوءة الصوتية.

لماذا ا؟

حسنا ، هذا هو بالطبع الطلاقة. إذا كنت تحتاج دائمًا إلى التوقف والتفكير فيما تقوله بعد ذلك ، فأنت لا تتحدث بطلاقة.

إذا انتهكت القاعدة ، فما عليك سوى التوقف وبدء خطابك مرة أخرى.

الفيديو النهائي هو اختبار الإملاء. اسمع لي قول الكلمات من الموضوع واكتبها. بعد ذلك ، قارن بين الهجاء والإملاء الفعلي للكلمات.

كورس المحادثة الإنجليزية فى 14 يوم | Udemy 14-day English language fluency course

الكورس كامل باللغة الإنجليزية مقدم من يوديمى

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى :


كورس المحادثة الإنجليزية فى 14 يوم | Udemy 14-day English language fluency course

You will improve your spoken English in just 2 weeks!

What you’ll learn

Be able to speak fluently about 14 common topics.
Learn more than 100 new words.


A basic level of English.
A pen, a notebook and a timer.


Are you struggling to speak English?

Have you spent hours learning new words, studying grammar, watching English movies, listening to English music and now you wonder why you can’t use all of this knowledge in a conversation?

Well, here’s your answer!

Speaking English is a skill- just like swimming. Can you learn swimming from a book? No. How about from a movie? No, again. You need to get into the pool and start doing the action. Speaking, like swimming, is an action.

So, the ONLY way to improve your spoken English is to speak.

That’s where this course helps you!

How does this course work?

I have divided this course into 14 days. Each day has a new topic and each topic is divided into 4 short videos.

The first video will introduce 8 words or terms. In this video I will explain the meaning of these words and provide an example of how it can be used in a sentence. At the end, we will review the vocabulary.

In the second video I provide an example speech of the topic. In this video I use the words from video 1 to make a speech. This allows you to see me using the vocabulary.

The third video is the most important video. In this video I give you a chance to make a speech using the vocabulary of the topic. But there is one rule:

You can’t say: umm, ahh, enn or any other vocal-filled pause or interjection.


Well, this is a fluency course. If you always need to stop and think about what to say next, then you’re not speaking fluently. If you do break the rule, simply stop and start your speech again.

The final video is a dictation test. Listen to me say the words from the topic and write them down. Then, compare your spelling with the actual spelling of the words.

Can I really improve my spoken English with this course?

I believe you can. I have used this method with literally hundreds of students and have seen my students’ speaking ability improve dramatically.

Why should I choose this course over other courses?


Firstly, it’s free (for the moment) so you have nothing to lose.

Enthusiastic teacher.

Secondly, I think I teach this course in an enthusiastic way and hope that this enthusiasm spreads to you. I believe that if you want to learn anything, you must be enthusiastic or you will simply give up.

There is a finish line that you can see.

By knowing that this course is only 14 days, I hope that it provides you with the feeling that it is short sprint and not a marathon.

Consistency is key (or king).

It’s much more effective to study a few minutes a day than to study for a few hours once or twice a week. I want English to be your hobby that you enjoy not your habit that you hate. By only studying for a few minutes a day (but doing it every day) it is less likely that you will come to hate learning.

Remember what you learn.

I believe that quality is more important than quantity. My rule as an ESL/EFL teacher is to teach between 5 to 10 words per 1-hour class. This is because how many words you study is not important. Only how many words you can use is the number that we should care about. I see many students trying to remember 30 or even 50 words a day! But, the sad thing is the next day they may only remember 4 or 5. I will teach you vocabulary in a way that allows you to retain the vocabulary that you learn.

Develop a habit for learning.

Finally, many people say that it takes 2 weeks to develop a habit. I hope this course will provide you with the framework to develop a habit of study. While this is my only course (at the moment) here on Udemy, there are many other fantastic courses on here to study. I hope that you can use this course as a stepping stone for your continued growth.

Sign up now and start speaking right away!

So, if you want to learn to speak English more fluently whilst getting your hands on some useful vocabulary, then why not try my 14-day English language fluency course? You have nothing to lose and you will be very glad you did.

Thank you and see you soon,


Who this course is for:

Anybody who wants to improve their spoken English.
Anyone who is considering the IELTS exam, TOEFL exam, etc.

مساحة الكورس 1.1 جيجا

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كلمات دلالية :

كورس المحادثة الإنجليزية فى 14 يوم, تحميل كورس المحادثة الإنجليزية فى 14 يوم  ,تنزيل كورس المحادثة الإنجليزية فى 14 يوم , Udemy 14-day English language fluency course , كورس Udemy 14-day English language fluency course, تحميل كورس Udemy 14-day English language fluency course

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