طريقة التحميل
كورس اللغة الإنجليزية | English Mega Course

English Mega Course

هل انت متوتر في اجتماعات العمل؟

هل تخشى تقديم عروض عمل باللغة الإنجليزية؟

هل تحتاج إلى اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال لتنجح في وظيفتك وحياتك المهنية؟

هل تشعر بالحرج عندما تتحدث الانجليزية؟ هل نطقك سيء؟ هل ترتكب الكثير من الاخطاء؟

نعرض لك طريقة رائعة للتحدث باللغة الإنجليزية بشكل أفضل حتى تتمكن من الحصول على وظائف أفضل ،

وتكوين صداقات دولية ، والشعور بالراحة عند التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية.

لقد درست اللغة الإنجليزية لسنوات عديدة ، لكنك ما زلت لا تتحدث جيدًا.

تقرأ اللغة الإنجليزية ولكنك تشعر بالتوتر والإحباط عند التحدث.

أنت تعرف الكثير من القواعد النحوية ولكنك لا تزال ترتكب العديد من الأخطاء عند التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية.

نطقك سيء. انت لست وحدك.

سبب استمرار هذه المشاكل هو أنك تعلمت اللغة الإنجليزية باستخدام الأساليب المدرسية التقليدية.

يفشل معظم الناس في التحدث بسرعة وسهولة وتلقائية باستخدام هذه الأساليب القديمة.

لتحقيق نتائج أفضل ، من الضروري اتباع طريقة حديثة.

لماذا تحتاج إلى تعلم الإنجليزية للأعمال الحقيقية من رجال الأعمال الحقيقيين؟

لفهم اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال ، يجب أن تتعلم من رجال الأعمال الحقيقيين.

رجال الأعمال الحقيقيون يستخدمون العامية والتعابير. يناقشون أفكار عمل حقيقية ، وليس مجرد مفردات.

ستعلمك دورة المحادثة باللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال لدينا اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال من خلال مناقشات عمل حقيقية.

كورس اللغة الإنجليزية | English Mega Course

كورس اللغة الإنجليزية | English Mega Course

Complete English Mega Course For All Levels (4 Courses in 1)

76+ Hours of English Lecture for Beginner, Intermediate, expert, and Businessperson

What you’ll learn

To understand business English, you must learn from real businessmen.

Real businesspeople use slang and idioms. They discuss real business ideas, not just vocabulary.

Our Business English Conversation Course will teach you business English with real business discussions.

Register for our Business English Course and get started instantly!

How to prepare to study abroad in The USA, Canada, the UK, or Australia

Have you ever felt foolish because you’re not a strong, clear, fast English speaker?

Do you feel that native speakers (North Americans, British,..) will not be interested in talking to you?

Are you already successful with English, but you want to increase your success to a higher level RIGHT NOW?

Have you ever felt embarrassed about your true desire to speak English excellently?

Do you ever pretend that intermediate level is “good enough”?

get a high score on the TOEFL or IELTS

Have you ever wanted to quit learning English because it seems like NOTHING will work?

Do you still get nervous when you think it’s time to speak English to someone? Maybe you want to speak to

someone, but you still fear making a mistake?

How to make international friends

How to understand the “real English” used by people on the street

Learn Business English From Successful Businessmen

The most powerful vocabulary learning techniques

How to speak with correct pronunciation

Learn by listening not by studying grammar rules.


There is no requirement 🙂


are you nervous in business meetings?

are you afraid to give business presentations in English?

do you need business English to succeed with your job and career?

Do you feel embarrassed when you speak English? Is your pronunciation bad? Do you make a lot of mistakes?

we show you an amazing way to speak better English so you can get better jobs, make international friends

and feel relaxed when speaking English.

You have studied English for many years, yet you still do not speak well.

You read English but you feel nervous and frustrated when speaking.

You know a lot of grammar rules yet you still make many mistakes when speaking English.

Your pronunciation is bad. You are not alone.

The reason you still have these problems is that you learned English using traditional school methods.

Most people fail to speak quickly, easily, and automatically using these old methods.

To achieve better results, a modern method is necessary.


To understand business English, you must learn from real businessmen.

Real businesspeople use slang and idioms. They discuss real business ideas, not just vocabulary.

Our Business English Conversation Course will teach you business English with real business discussions.

Register for our Business English Course and get started instantly!


The incredible way you Learn Grammar Without “Rules”:

Use English grammar correctly by learning grammar in a natural way.

The Deep Learning method helps you use English faster.

Remember English words and grammar– and use them in real conversations. Feel strong about your speaking ability.

The way you learn English in a relaxing way by listening to real English articles about interesting topics

. Imagine thinking, smiling, and laughing while learning.

The way you avoid stress and slow speech. The fun and crazy mini-stories train you to speak and respond faster.

How the best English speakers learn, how they study,

– and how you can use the methods they use.

To be successful, copy the most successful people.

Lessons that help you learn English without boredom- no more textbooks, no more tests, no more “exercises”.

With this new method you can finally learn how to speak business English like a successful businessperson

– and learn how to think like a successful businessperson.

Who this course is for

are you nervous in business meetings?

do you need business English to succeed with your job and career?

You have studied English for many years, yet you still do not speak well.

You know a lot of grammar rules yet you still make many mistakes when speaking English.

Your pronunciation is bad. You are not alone.

Do you still get nervous when you think it’s time to speak English to someone?

Maybe you want to speak to someone, but you still fear making a mistake?

Does your speaking ever become slow and broken when you speak English…

so that you can’t communicate normally?

Do you know a lot of grammar and vocabulary and yet it’s still difficult for you to use it when speaking?

Do you still get nervous when you think it’s time to speak English to someone?

Maybe you want to speak to someone, but you still fear making a mistake?

Have you ever wanted to quit learning English because it seems like NOTHING will work?

مساحة الكورس 24 جيجا تقريبا

تحميل موفق للجميع

انتهى الموضوع

كلمات دلالية :

تحميل كورس اللغة الإنجليزية | English Mega Course , تنزيل كورس اللغة الإنجليزية | English Mega Course , اسطوانة كورس اللغة الإنجليزية | English Mega Course

تابع أحدث و أفضل البرامج من قسم البرامج من هنا

مع تحيات موقع فارس الاسطوانات

سيرفرات أخرى للتحميل

اب فور ايفر




مركز اب فور ايفر روابط 4 جيجا

يهمك أيضًا

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