آخر إصدار من متصفح سيبر فوكس | Cyberfox 36.0 Final
Cyberfox is a quite famous and popular browser, based on Mozilla Firefox. He is available for operating systems Windows. We can say that this does – is the same Firefox, however, it is more productive, reliable, fast and optimized for modern processors. As the publisher says – one of the fastest browsers for a 32/64-bit system.
– x32/x64 Bit Web Browser
– Powered By Mozilla Source Code
– Compiled With Visual Studios 2012
– Used Windows 8 SDK Instead Of Vista SDK
– Compiled With Help Of Intel C++ Compiler
– Experimental: But Might Work On Windows 8 OS
Whats New :
Cyberfox 36.0
New: Toggle tab JavaScript feature (Activation via preference only “browser.context.togglejavascript”)
Added: Option to easily toggle media.peerconnection.enabled See why Here
Removed: Release notes url generation from beta.
Fixed: Broken in-content preference page elements.
Removed: Unused call to XPCOMUtils for Services.prefs in cyberfox features.
Fixed: Passed patch for Bug 1131965 – Crash during WebGL Conformance Tests
Fixed: Carriage return on copy all tab urls.
Known Issues: Full themes may have UI glitches until they update to support firefox 36.0 (i.e new search, forget button, bad content)
Adjusted: Allow export of title in title-bar preference.
Updated: Passed latest CTR features over to CyberCTR
Updated: Passed latest CTR features over to CyberCTR
Changed: Use &brandShortName; on ctraddon_appbutton instead of Customize.
Changed: about:config menu item behavior.
Fixed: Gecko confusion, Now it shows browser name.
Fixed: Use &brandShortName; in overlay.dtd
Updated: Passed latest CTR features over to CyberCTR
Make: Browser name in message.file dynamic
Updated: fr (French) localization
Updated: ru (Russian) localization.
Added: Fallback entities for urlbar accesskeys from CTR1.2.9.6.
Adjusted: Bumped install.rdf max version
Fixed: Replaced Geko with &brandShortName; in sl locale.
Updated: Passed latest CTR 1.3.0B3 features over to CyberCTR
Updated: Passed latest CTR 1.3.0B4 features over to CyberCTR
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