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Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2

كورس مميز جدا لتحسين لغتك الإنجليزية والمفردات مع التاكيد على ان لاتنسى تلك المفردات التى تعلمتها ابدًا.

ويمكنك أيضا مشاهدة الجزء الاول من هذا الكورس على الرابط التالى :

Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 1

هل سئمت من استخدام نفس الكلمات مرارا وتكرارا؟

هل شعرت بالإحباط لأنك ترغب في التحدث كثيرًا ، لكن ليس لديك الكلمات التي تقول ما تريد؟

هل لديك امتحان قادم وترغب في تحسين مفرداتك لزيادة فرصك في الحصول على درجة عالية؟

ثم حان الوقت لبناء المفردات الخاصة بك واطلاق العنان لقوتك الناطقة باللغة الإنجليزية.

كورس مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية | Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2

ويمكنك مشاهدة الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى :


كورس مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية | Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2

Improve your English Speaking by learning new words in context with an activity book and a multi-lingual glossary.

Improve your English Speaking by learning new words in context with an activity book and a multi-lingual glossary.

What you’ll learn

Improve English speaking skills
Learn and retain new commonly used English words
Improve English vocabulary bank
Speak Better English


Basic English knowledge is preferable to understand the explanations


Improve your English speaking and vocabulary and never be lost for words!

Are you tired of using the same words over and over again?

Do you ever feel frustrated because there is a lot more you would like to talk about, but you don’t have the words to say what you want?

Do you have an exam coming up and you want to improve your vocabulary to maximize your chances of getting a high score?

Then it is time to build your vocabulary and unlock your English-speaking power.

What is Perfect English: Vocabulary Builder?

Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 – Speak Better English is a course that will not only focus on teaching you new words, but also on making these words permanent and part of your active vocabulary. The lessons are designed in a way that mixes carefully-selected images with the new words to make the connection stronger in your brain so that you can remember the words much more easily.

Besides that, there are literally hundreds of activities created specifically for this course, and all can be found in the course activity book. For each of the 24 chapters of the course, there are five activities, a Udemy quiz, a downloadable long quiz and a link to make sure you get to practice your newly-learned vocabulary as much as you can to master all the new words.

There is also the multi-lingual glossary that has all the keywords translated into 62 languages to cater for our international students who need to check the meaning of the words in their native languages.

This course was created with the benefit of English learners in mind wherever they may be in the world. It is the most comprehensive vocabulary builder course ever!

How is the course structured?
The course is divided into 24 sections.

Each section includes:

The video lesson (chapter)

The activities and resources page

The quiz

A huge list of materials to supplement the course:

Downloadable Activity book (650 pages)

Downloadable Multi-lingual glossary (62 languages)

Downloadable quizzes (800 questions)

The course planner sheet (excel planner)

Is the course really for you?

This course is for you if you are serious about improving your English language. This course is perfect for anyone who would like to improve his or her speaking with a a whole bunch of new words.

This course is also beneficial for those who are preparing for English international exams because it will enrich their vocabulary to maximize their chances of getting high scores in those exams.

English learners of all levels can benefit from this course, but I must say that it might not be the best choice for complete beginners.

Perfect English is a click away from your fingertips. Enroll Now.

Who this course is for:

Everyone who wants to improve his/her speaking skills
Everyone who wants to improve his/her English vocabulary

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كلمات دلالية :

كورس مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية , تحميل كورس مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية , تنزيل كورس مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية , حمل برابط واحد كورس مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية , Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 , تحميل Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 , تنزيل Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2, حمل برابط مباشر Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 , حمل على أكثر من سيرفر Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2

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