طريقة التحميل

كورس Fluenz French هو أحد أقوى الكورسات الشاملة لتعلم اللغة الفرنسية بطلاقة

الكورس مكون من 5 اسطوانات DVD تفاعيلة بها الدروس والفيديوهات على شكل برنامج يعمل مباشرة من الاسطوانة

وكذلك مرفق مع كل اسطوانة الملفات الصوتية الخاصة بها

كورس اللغة الفرنسية الرائع | Fluenz French

كورس اللغة الفرنسية الرائع | Fluenz French

Fluenz French 1+2+3+4+5, 5 Audio CDs, Prase Book Navigator, User Guide

Year: 2009
Author: fluenz
Category: Multimedia course
Developer: fluenz
Website: fluenz.com
Language Courses: English
Version: f2
Compatibility with Vista: Yes
License: Freeware

System requirements

Windows XP / Vista / 7
Intel Macs, OS X 10.5
DVD-ROM drive
1 GB of RAM
1 GHz processor speed
Resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher

List of material handed out:

1) 5 DVD’s – MDS / MDF
2) 5 CD’s – MP3 (229-256 kbit / s)
3) Instructions, Prase Book Navigator, User Guide – PDF

Discover French through the magic of a great teacher.

The Fluenz tutor’s custom-made approach guides you in English every step of the way through the challenges of the language, while immersing you in the beauty of the culture.

Fluenz French is based on three principles:

1) There’s no substitute for a great tutor. It’s often difficult to motivate yourself to learn a language on your own. Having a teacher to challenge and inspire you, while explaining exactly how the language works, makes all the difference.

2) The best way for adults to learn French is with explanations in English. Linguistics research shows that adults learn languages differently than children and really benefit from having clear explanations of how the language works. For example, it is extremely difficult to understand the French past tense, passإ½ composإ½, or make sense of French liaisons without a clear explanation in English. Fluenz makes a difference because a real tutor guides you in English along a path specifically designed for French.

3) It’s best to learn the most relevant words in French right away. Instead of focusing on child-like phrases such as “red apple, green apple,” Fluenz has you ordering food, giving directions to a cab driver, making hotel reservations, and handling a wide range of real-world situations right from the start.

And, with 13 types of workouts covering verbal expression and comprehension, as well as reading and writing, you practice and internalize what you learn in the video tutorials.
150 sessions of up to two and one-half hours each — the most comprehensive software application covering the first five levels of French anywhere.

Fluenz French 1+2+3+4+5 will guide you in English through the challenges of French with a proven system.
Includes Fluenz French 1, Fluenz French 2, Fluenz French 3, Fluenz French 4, and Fluenz French 5 DVD-ROMs

five audio CDs for additional learning.

The Fluenz language tutor guides you on video every step of the way, recreating a one-on-one tutoring experience

utilizing explanations in English, placing you in real-world contexts, and immersing you in the culture.

متوسط مساحة كل اسطوانة 4 جيجا تقريباً

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أقوى كورسات اللغة الفرنسية , تحميل أقوى كورسات اللغة الفرنسية , اسطوانات أقوى كورسات اللغة الفرنسية , حمل برابط مباشر أقوى كورسات اللغة الألماني, حمل مجانا أقوى كورسات اللغة الفرنسية , تنزيل اسطوانات أقوى كورسات اللغة الفرنسية , Fluenz French, كورس Fluenz French, تحميل كورس Fluenz French, اسطوانة Fluenz French, اسطوانات Fluenz French للتحميل مجانا , حمل برابط تورنت Fluenz French, حمل بروابط مباشرة Fluenz French

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