The Complete Cyber Security Bundle

كورس الحماية والهاكر الشامل | The Complete Cyber Security Bundle

نرحب بهذه الدورة الشاملة حول القرصنة الأخلاقية!

تفترض هذه الدورة التدريبية أنه ليس لديك أي معرفة سابقة بالقرصنة

وبحلول نهاية الأمر ستكون قادرًا على اختراق أنظمة مثل قراصنة القبعة السوداء وتأمينها مثل خبراء الأمن!

الكورس كامل بالفيديو مع المرفقات مقدم من يوديمى

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى :

كورس الحماية والهاكر الشامل | The Complete Cyber Security Bundle

The Complete Cyber Security Bundle Beginner to Advanced

Learn ethical hacking from scratch

What you’ll learn

2 courses including Offensive-Security – PWK – Penetration Testing with Kali and 550+ ethical hacking & security videos

Learn what is ethical hacking, its fields and the different types of hackers

Hack & secure both WiFi & wired networks

Start from scratch up to a high-intermediate level

Install hacking lab & needed software (works on Windows, and Linux)

Learn Network Penetration Testing

Network basics & how devices interact inside a network

Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal

Gather detailed information about clients and networks like their OS, opened ports …etc.


Basic IT Skills
For WiFi cracking – Wireless adapter that supports monitor mode (more info provided in the course).
Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory


Welcome this comprehensive course on Ethical Hacking!

This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking and by the end of it you’ll be able to hack systems like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts!

This course is highly practical but it won’t neglect the theory,

so we’ll start with ethical hacking basics and the different fields in penetration testing,

installing the needed software (works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and then we’ll dive and start hacking systems straight away.

From here you’ll learn everything by example, by analyzing and exploiting computer systems such as networks, servers, clients, websites …..etc, so we’ll never have any boring dry theoretical lectures.

The course is divided into a number of sections,

each section covers a penetration testing / hacking field, in each of these sections you’ll first learn how the target system works, the weaknesses of this system, and how to practically exploit theses weaknesses and hack into it,

not only that but you’ll also learn how to secure this system from the discussed attacks.

This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level by the time you finish, you will have knowledge about most penetration testing fields.

Who this course is for:

Anyone who want to learn about hacking

مساحة الكورس 3.6 جيجا

تحميل موفق للجميع

انتهى الموضوع

كلمات دلالية :

The Complete Cyber Security Bundle , تحميل كورس The Complete Cyber Security Bundle  , حمل برابط واحد The Complete Cyber Security Bundle

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