طريقة التحميل

Website Design From Scratch In Adobe Xd 2019

كورس تصميم المواقع | Website Design From Scratch In Adobe Xd 2019

عندما تقوم بتصميم موقع على شبكة الإنترنت ، من المهم للغاية الحصول على تصميم عصري.

لأن هناك موقع ويب لبيع خدمة أو منتج ما ، لذا عليك أن تضع ذلك في الاعتبار.

من المهم حقًا معرفة كيفية هيكلة صفحة للتحويل المرتفع

لأنها تجعلك أكثر قيمة للعميل وأكثر رواجًا كمصمم.

يمنحك استخدام Adobe Xd لإنشائه إمكانيات غير محدودة لأنه مجاني وعبر نظام أساسي وموجّه ومتجه وله تحديثات منتظمة.

هذا الكورس مقدم من يوديمى

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى :


كورس تصميم المواقع | Website Design From Scratch In Adobe Xd 2019

What you’ll learn

Adobe Xd
Become a UI Designer
Become a UX Designer
Secrets Of Great Workflow
How To Create High Converting Landing Page
Plan And Organize A Project
Secrets Of Smart Design
Design A Website
Prototype A Website
Prepare Designs For Development
How To Get Inspired
How To Work With Clients

When you design a website it’s more important that it converts, then to have a trendy design.

Because website is there to sell a service or a product so you have to design with that in mind.

Knowing how to structure a page for high conversion is really important because it makes you more valuable to client and more desirable as a designer.

Using Adobe Xd to create it gives you unlimited possibilities because it’s free, cross platform, vector based and it has regular updates.

Hey there my name is Alex and in this course you will learn:

Secrets of the good design brief

What makes the good landing page

How to create landing pages that convert

How to apply those principles to plan, draw and create a wireframe

Add images, icons and shadows to create a design

Then add movement and transitions to create prototypes

Share the work with your client to get feedback

And finally, how to export your assets for developers

You don’t need any previous knowledge of UI / UX or Adobe Xd, we are going to cover it all in this course.

All you need is an interest in this field and you will do well by the end of this course.

Through this course you will also learn about important resources which you can use in your work, that will save you hours and sometimes even months of your projects. Hours that you can charge extra for, while keeping your free time.

مساحة الكورس 1.7 جيجا

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Website Design From Scratch In Adobe Xd 2019 , كورس Website Design From Scratch In Adobe Xd 2019, تحميل كورس Website Design From Scratch In Adobe Xd 2019

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