طريقة التحميل

Programming for Kids and Beginners

كورس البرمجة للأطفال | Programming for Kids and Beginners

في هذه الدورة ، سنتعلم البرمجة، بدءًا من الكتل الأساسية.

لا تمزح! تعتبر Scratch ، لغة برمجة ممتعة للغاية بحيث تجعل البرمجة تبدو وكأنها لعبة.

سوف نتعلم عن طريق العمل.

تم تصميم الدورة التدريبية بحيث يمكنك إنشاء الألعاب والتطبيقات بيديك.

لكن ما يجعل هذه الدورة فريدة من نوعها حقًا هو طريقة التدريس التي استخدمتها بشكل مباشر لمدة 4 سنوات تقريبًا.

نتعلم مجموعة متنوعة من مواضيع علوم الكمبيوتر ،

لكننا نخفي التعقيد وراء الشخصيات والرسوم المتحركة والقياسات والمرح!

الكورس كامل بالفيديو مع المرفقات مقدم من يوديمى

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى :


كورس البرمجة للأطفال | Programming for Kids and Beginners

Learn to Code in Scratch
Now with Scratch 3.0: learn to program, create games, have fun in Scratch! For kids and beginners, parents and teachers!


No prior programming knowledge is required


In this course, we’ll learn to code, starting from the basic blocks. No kidding! Scratch, the programming language we use (developed by MIT), is so fun that it makes programming seem like a game.

We’ll learn by doing. The course is designed so that you create the games and applications with your own two hands. But what makes this course truly unique is the teaching method I’ve used live for almost 4 years. We learn a variety of computer science topics, but we hide the complexity behind characters, animations, analogies and fun!

That’s because, in these carefully designed lessons, we train our intuition to make sense of what we want to achieve and how to get there. This will help you quickly master the basics. After this course, you’ll learn text-based programming languages at a blazing speed and quickly make sense of any piece of code.

The content is designed to be fun! We learn to create animations and cool effects and we create clones of some of the most popular games: Flappy Bird, Duck Hunt or Pac-Man. The games are handpicked to optimize learning computer science topics while having fun along the way. I will also update the course on a regular basis with new content – and challenges!

This course is designed for

parents or teachers who want to give their children the best skills and most fun
kids and beginners who want to learn to code games
anyone new to programming who doesn’t know where to start

I can’t wait to have you in the course!

The course is regularly updated with new material, tips and tricks that you can use in your games and projects.

Who this course is for:

Children (from 7-8 years)
Absolute beginners in programming and computer science

مساحة الكورس 3.8 جيجا

تحميل موفق للجميع

انتهى المضوع

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Programming for Kids and Beginners , تحميل Programming for Kids and Beginners , حمل برابط واحد Programming for Kids and Beginners

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