طريقة التحميل

Landscape Drawing And Design

كورس تصميم المناظر الطبيعية | Landscape Drawing And Design 101

أفضل كورس أكاديمى لتعلم كيفية تصميم المناظر الطبيعية.

إن فهم تصميم المناظر الطبيعية يدور حول وجود أساسيات للرسومات الرسومية والبصرية بالفعل ،

وعندها فقط يمكننا القفز وبدء العمل على تصميم المناظر الطبيعية نفسها.

هذا هو السبب في أن تنسيق هذه الدورة التدريبية يختلف عن المعتاد

– لذلك يمكنك بناء المهارات بشكل مطرد للانتقال إلى تصميم أفقي مناسب.

ضع في اعتبارك أنه في هذا المستوى ،

لا تزال القدرة على التعبير عن أفكارك بطريقة خلاقة مهمة للغاية

، لذلك ستحتاج إلى تطوير قدرات رسومات قوية مثل رسم الخطوط المتدفقةوالتفكير المفاهيمي المعبر عنه في الرسم

الكورس كامل بالفيديو مقدممن يوديمى

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط التالى :


كورس تصميم المناظر الطبيعية | Landscape Drawing And Design 101

Master The Fundamentals Of Landscape Design Drawing And Theory

What you’ll learn

Detailed introduction on box perspectives, axonometrics, triple projection and simple volumes

entourage exercises that will get you used to drawing trees and shrubs

A conceptual composition where you practice further developing your graphics and creative narrative

Abstract composition where you take your concept skills and graphics to the next level

Five principles of urban design that apply to landscape design and get your designs that feel of having a larger scale

Urban design square and tower assignment, where you can apply everything learned about landscape design

A wood structure gazebo to be used as a detailing element for landscape design

Park design with four different spatial principles that is a graphics and design exercis


(this is the main assignment exercise which will get you at least four different variants for the same design)

Greenhouse design to practice landscape exhibition

Large park design in detailed projection, sections and plan


Architectural Drawing 101


Time to tackle landscape design.

Understanding landscape design is all about already having the fundamentals down for graphics

and visual culture, and only then we can jump in and start working on landscape design itself.

That is why the format for this course is different than the usual

– so you get to steadily build up the skills to transition to proper landscape design.

Keep in mind that at this level, the ability to creatively express your ideas is still very important,

so you will need to develop strong graphics abilities (free flowing line drawing, conceptual thinking expressed in drawing)

How you will change:

Learn the fundamentals of landscape design graphics and thinking

Upgrade your pre-existing architecture drawing and design abilities

Get a visual culture relating to adjacent subjects such as urban design, wooden structures and abstract art

What you will learn:

Detailed introduction on box perspectives, axonometrics, triple projection and simple volumes

entourage exercises that will get you used to drawing trees and shrubs

A conceptual composition where you practice further developing your graphics and creative narrative

Abstract composition where you take your concept skills and graphics to the next level

Five principles of urban design that apply to landscape design and get your designs that feel of having a larger scale

Urban design square and tower assignment, where you can apply everything learned about landscape design

A wood structure gazebo to be used as a detailing element for landscape design

Park design with four different spatial principles that is a graphics and design exercise (this is the main assignment exercise which

will get you at least four different variants for the same design)

Greenhouse design to practice landscape exhibition

Large park design in detailed projection, sections and plan

Landscape design drawing starts off with mixing many areas of expertise

and synthesizing everything into a final piece that ticks all the boxes.

Your ideas will then take a life of their own and slowly grow towards full-on landscape design graphics and thinking.

My training is going to help you understand everything you need to know to get there

– click on the ‘add to cart’ button and I will see you on the other side.

Michael N

Who this course is for:

Architects, designers, landscape architects

مساحنة الكورس 10 جيجا تقريبا

تحميل موفق للجميع

انتهى الموضوع

كلمات دلالية :

Landscape Drawing And Design 101 .,, كورس Landscape Drawing And Design 101 , تحميل كورس Landscape Drawing And Design 101, حمل مجانا Landscape Drawing And Design 101 , دروس Landscape Drawing And Design 101

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