طريقة التحميل

إحدى الطرق الآمنة لكيفية الحصول على المشاهدات على YouTube هي استخدام YouTube SEO.

سيساعدك إعداد مقاطع فيديو YouTube باستخدام تحسين محركات البحث الجيدة في الحصول على حركة مرور آمنة على المدى الطويل دون إغراق YouTube على قناتك.

المشكلة الوحيدة مع كبار المسئولين الاقتصاديين هو أنه بطيء حقا.

قد يستغرق الأمر من شهرين إلى ثلاثة أشهر قبل أن تبدأ قناتك في النمو بشكل طبيعي.

لا يزال هذا الأمر مهمًا ، لكنني كنت أبحث عن طريقة أسرع وآمنة للحصول على المزيد من المشاهدات والمزيد من المشتركين على YouTube.

يبدو أن رديت هو أفضل إجابة.

كنت ألاحظ الأشخاص الذين يتحدثون عن كيفية تمكنهم من الحصول على حركة المرور والمبيعات مع Reddit.

إنه أحد أفضل 6 مواقع في العالم.

في الواقع ، قبل يومين في 31 أيار (مايو) 2018 …

تجاوزت Reddit موقع Facebook على أنه ثالث أكثر المواقع شعبية في الولايات المتحدة.

يوتيوب وجوجل هي المواقع الوحيدة التي تضربه.

وفى هذا الكورس ستتعلم كيفية الحصول على المشتركين والمشاهدات لقناتك على اليوتيوب بإستخدام موقع ريدت

الكورس فيديو باللغة الإنجليزية من يوديمى

كورس الحصول على مشتركين ومشاهدات لليوتيوب | How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit

كورس الحصول على مشتركين ومشاهدات لليوتيوب | How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit

Learn how to get free YouTube views and free youtube subscribers fast with a YouTube x Reddit digital marketing strategy

What Will I Learn?

How I got over 4,000 up votes on Reddit with 1 simple YouTube video
How you can get a rush of free YouTube views with reddit
How you can attract a swarm of free subscribers with a high value reddit posting strategy
How you can collect new sales for your online courses and products using this Reddit marketing plan
You will have a new digital marketing plan you can use with all of your youtube videos to gain authority in your niche fast
You will have a safe marketing strategy to get youtube views faster.


You must have a youtube channel
You must want more youtube views
Preferred but not required: Have a Reddit account that is at least 5 days old and preferably over 30 days old in good standing.


Never buy youtube views. It can destroy your channel and YouTube KNOWS.

“Buying Views” violates the YouTube TOS and if you do it…

YouTube will put your channel in “The Upside Down”…

Meaning Your youtube videos…

Won’t show up in search
Won’t show up in the recommended videos
Won’t show up in related videos
And your channel will be dead (no more organic views).

I learned this the hard way.

I bought youtube views when I was first starting with youtube marketing.

I ended up with youtube channels that no longer got any views at all.

This is why I now only focus on safe quality traffic strategies that get free youtube views for life.

One safe way for how to get views on youtube is with YouTube SEO.

Setting up your youtube videos with good search engine optimization will help you get safe long term traffic without making YouTube mad at your channel.

The only problem with SEO is that it’s really SLOW.

It can take 2 – 3 months before your channel starts growing organically.

It’s still important but I was looking for a faster and safe way of getting more views and more youtube subscribers.

Reddit seems to be the best answer.

I had been noticing people talking about how they have been able to get traffic and sales with Reddit.

Its one of the top 6 sites in the world.

In fact, 2 days ago on May 31st, 2018…

Reddit just overtook Facebook as the third most popular website in the U.S.

Youtube and Google are the only sites beating it.

Currently Reddit gets over 1.5 billion unique visitors each month according to the site Statista.

The growth is incredible.

But I had tried some digital marketing in the past with Reddit and it wasn’t really working for me.

I posted links to videos with clever headlines and nobody cared.

I would only get like 3 up votes or nothing at all.

The big challenge with Reddit that has been pushing many marketers away from using it as part of their marketing strategy is…

Redditors are picky.

They have been spammed with so many links by marketers that they now have zero tolerance for outsiders with selfish intentions.

Its a deep club and they won’t let just anyone in.

After feeling like I was not welcome at all in Reddit…

I decided to try and be super aware of how sensitive the platform is.

I realized it’s a tight community. Even more so than YouTube.

I found appropriate subreddits with enough members for it to be worth my while but not too many where my posts would get covered up fast.

Then I tried a mass market post that worked.

I got over 5,000 up votes and over 120 comments on my first post using this strategy.

The Redditors were actually happy with my post and sending me messages thanking me.

The coolest thing was that I saw a boost in sales in my rap program and a boost in my views and subscribers on youtube.

I’ve now done this method with a few other videos with great results as well.

I plan on doing this method with all of my videos because its safe and gets traffic flowing a lot faster than waiting for youtube seo to kick in.

I created this simple course to share this method with you as quickly as possible.

In the course I focus on exactly what you need to know to get fast and safe traffic to your youtube videos by using Reddit.

I give you examples and share my real Reddit posts that you can model for your own youtube traffic.

As a bonus I’ve created a Facebook group just for members of this course.

Its where you can get extra support from me and other people using this strategy.

I have personally used this strategy to help grow my Youtube channel to over 10,000 subscribers.

So if you have a YouTube channel, I highly recommend you try out the strategy laid out for you in this course as well.

Thanks for checking out my Youtube x Reddit traffic course and I hope you use this method on your youtube videos ASAP as I know it will really help your channel.

Who is the target audience?

If you want to know how to get high quality views on youtube fast then you should take this course
For people who want free youtube subscribers
For people who want free youtube views
If you already have a YouTube channel with videos that don’t have as many views as you would like then this is great for you.

مساحة الكورس 160 ميجا تقريباً

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كلمات دلالية :

كورس الحصول على مشتركين ومشاهدات لليوتيوب , تحميل كورس الحصول على مشتركين ومشاهدات لليوتيوب, تنزيل كورس الحصول على مشتركين ومشاهدات لليوتيوب , حمل برابط واحد كورس الحصول على مشتركين ومشاهدات لليوتيوب, دروس كورس الحصول على مشتركين ومشاهدات لليوتيوب, How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit , تحميل كورس How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit, تنزيل كورس How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit, اسطوانة How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit, حمل برابط تورنت How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit

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