طريقة التحميل

Cinemagraph Masterclass in Photoshop

كورس السينماجراف بالفوتوشوب | Cinemagraph Masterclass in Photoshop

ستتعلم فى هذا الكورس طريقة إنشاء صور متحركة مذهلة تسمى السينماجراف  Cinemagraphs

بدون برامج معقدة وتحرير ، كل ذلك في Photoshop.

الكورس كامل بالفيديو مع المرفقات مقدم من يوديمى

شاهد الكورس على موقعه الرسمى من الرابط اتالى :


كورس السينماجراف بالفوتوشوب | Cinemagraph Masterclass in Photoshop

What you’ll learn

Create Stunning Motion Images From Still Images In Photoshop (No Plugins)

Create Never-Seen-Before Imagery That Gets Noticed


You need a PC/Mac
You will need Photoshop CS or Photoshop CC
Even beginners at Photoshop can take up this course


Cinemagraphs are still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs, forming a video clip and can give the illusion that the viewer is watching an animation.

Attract Eyeballs :

Cinemagraph is so unusual to the human eye, that it has proven to attract views and clicks even in the most saturated feeds.
Save Money :

Turn all your new and still ads into Cinemagraph within minutes inside Photoshop. No more apps needed with annual subscription.

Boost Engagement :

With unbelievable motion in still images you can get around an average of five times more views, clicks and likes on social posts.

Mac & PC :

Create incredible cinemagraphs in either Mac or PC and you can export it GIF, MP4 or other popular video formats.
If you hadn’t known about cinemagraphs before this, you should know that they are becoming more and more popular medium by the day.

✔ Cinemagraphs create 5x more engagement than still photos

✔ Cinemagraphs can be displayed on any social media platform – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Website, Email Marketing, Digital Display etc)

✔ Cinemagraphs work in any kind of photography i.e. wedding, portrait, landscape, street, travel etc

✔ There are approximately 75 million photographers around the world and only less than 0.5% of photographers make cinemagraphs
Honestly, cinemagraphs are great asset for any creative professional. In our digital world, cinemagraphs are now and established niche. The secret is you must know how to create them correctly to leave your audience and clients awestruck.

Who this course is for:

Anyone Who Uses Photoshop
Photoshop Beginners
Graphic Designers
Motion Graphic Artist

مساحة الكورس 6.5 جيجا تقريبا

تحميل موفق للجميع

انتهى الموضوع

كلمات دلالية :

Cinemagraph Masterclass in Photoshop , تحميل كورس Cinemagraph Masterclass in Photoshop, حمل برابط مباشر Cinemagraph Masterclass in Photoshop

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