طريقة التحميل

يبدأ الكثيرون ممن يريدون تعلم التصميم ببرامج أدوبى وأهمها الفوتوشو وإليستريتور

لكن بعد تعليم تلك البرامج قد تكون هناك بعض العقبات فى تصميم مشاريع كاملة بشكل إحترافى

هذا ببساطة هو ما تتعلمه فى كورس

Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects

حيث ستتعلم فيه بداية برامج التصميم الشهيرة فوتوشوب وإليستريتور وإنديزين مع تعلم مبادىء التصميم ونظرية الالوان والطرق الفعالة لصناعة المشايع الكاملة بواسطة هذه البرامج وذلك عن طريق فيديوهات للمشاريع بشكل تطبيقى للعديد من التصاميم سواء كانت منشورات أو إعلانات أو مجلات أو صحف او كتب أو تصاميم للطباعة مثل الكروت الشخصية والفلايرات والمخططات والرسومات البيانية والإنفوجراف والملصقات وغيرها من المشاريع التى تعطيك الملكة للتفكير الإحترافى على مبادىء التصميم

كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك | Learn Graphic Design in Projects

الكورس مكون من 40 محاضرات فى أكثر من 3 ساعات فيديو وبجودة عالية

الكورس باللغة الإنجليزية من موقع يوديمى

Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects
Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn Graphic Design in Projects

معلومات عن الكورس من موقعه الرسمى

Learn and apply graphic design principles, color, and typography for better designs! Are you frustrated with the quality of your graphic designs, or wonder how graphic designers create effective content? Or do you simply want to learn more about graphic design or get started as a graphic designer?

In this course, you will learn and then apply design principles to create various graphic designs, including an online advertisement, an effective infographic, a gig poster with type as a design element, and an illustrative postcard design. You will learn how color schemes can be created and applied in graphic designs. You will also learn how effective typography can improve your designs as well.

You will use the industry-standard software for photo and raster editing (Photoshop), illustration and vector art (Illustrator), and publication design (InDesign) in this course to apply what you learn.

Course Structure

In the first few sections, you will learn about the overarching benefits of this course and then learn about various design principles such as proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast, balance, negative space, and rhythm. You will apply these design principles right away so you more effectively learn them. This will also allow you to learn design techniques.

In the color section, you will learn about effective color and then how to create color schemes in Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. You will create a color wheel using Illustrator.

In the typography section, you will learn type terminology in order to know how to apply effective type. You will also learn best practices in editing and applying type.

All support files are included for the follow-along exercises and projects on design principles, color, typography, and projects. Bonus files are also included, such as photo and Photoshop brushes.

Instructor Qualifications

I’ve worked in graphic design at newspapers, magazines, and an award-winning advertising design firm. I’ve been managing editor of two graphic design magazines and a freelance graphic designer. For the past eight years, I’ve also taught graphic design at the university level.

Let’s get started learning and creating!

This course will enable you to be come a better graphic designer, whether you’re new to graphic design or simply want to improve. I’ll see you in the course!
What are the requirements?

You will need a subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud or have an older version of Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator if you want to participate in the activities to put what you learn intro practice. Note: You can also try a 30-day free trial of the Adobe Creative Cloud.

What am I going to get from this course?

Learn and apply graphic design principles to produce effective designs in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Learn and apply color theory and practices to produce effective designs in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Learn and apply effective typography to produce effective designs in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Design an online ad, design an infographic with effective color, create a gig poster with type as a design component, create an illustrative postcard.

Who is the target audience?

This course is for beginners who want to be introduced to graphic design principles and their applications or intermediate graphic designers who want to improve and learn even more.
This course is not for people with MFAs in Graphic Design or graphic designers already very familiar with design principles, color, and typography and who are experts at the Adobe design products.
This course is for anyone who wants to create awesome graphic designs in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

** تحميل الكورس **

مساحة الكورس 550 ميجا تقريبا

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كلمات دلالية :

كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك , تحميل كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك  , اسطوانة كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك  , تنزيل كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك  , حمل برابط واحد كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك  , حمل برابط مباشر كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك , تحميل كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك  برابط مباشر كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك  , حمل برابط تورنت كورس تعليم وتطبيق مبادىء تصميم الجرافيك  ,  Learn Graphic Design in Projects , تحميل Learn Graphic Design in Projects , كورس  Learn Graphic Design in Projects , تنزيل اسطوانة Learn Graphic Design in Projects , حمل برابط مباشر  Learn Graphic Design in Projects

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