طريقة التحميل

جوجل ادووردز AdWords هو منتج جوجل الرئيسي للإعلانات والمصدر الرئيسيي لدخلها. بلغ مجموع عائدات جوجل الإعلانية 28 مليار دولار في 2010.يوفر ادووردس الدفع لكل نقرة أي التكلفة تحسب لكل نقرة علي الإعلان ،والتكلفة لكل ألف ظهور وتستخدم في الحملات الإعلانية ، الإعلانات الإستهدافيه بحسب المواقع عن شعار، نص . ويتضمن ادووردس توزيعاً محلياً وإقليمياً ودولياً للإعلانات . إعلانات جوجل النصية القصيرة، تتألف من 25 حرفا للعنوان وسطرين إضافيين 35 حرفا لكل منهما. وتقع شعبة المبيعات والدعم لادووردس في الولايات المتحدة في ماونتن فيو، كاليفورنيا،ولها مكاتب كبيرة ثانوية في آن أربور، ميشيغان .ويقع ثاني أكبر مكتب للشركة في نيويورك. ثالث أكبر مرفق للشركة في الولايات المتحدة في ماونتن فيو، كاليفورنيا، المقر الرئيسيي . ويقع المقر الرئيسيي لشعبة الهندسة والدعم الفني لجوجل ادووردس في ماونتن فيو، كاليفورنيا. جوجل لديها مكتب نشط للدعم والمساعدة المجتمعية للحفاظ على ريادتها في هذا المجال . ويتميز الإعلان على الإنترنت عن الإعلان التقليدي بالإصدار المباشر للمعلومات والمحتويات التي لا يحدها المكان ولا الزمان. هناك بالطبع منصات الاعلان على الفيس بوك الأكثر نشاطا عربيا و أيضا جووجل ادووردس المكتسحة في مجال الاعلان على المواقع و استهداف كلمات البحث في محرك البحث جووجل Facebook Advertisong, Google Adwords كما ان هناك شركات تسويق الكتروني متعددةتقوم بالنشر و اعداد المقالات و خلافه كما ظهرت في الاونة الاخيرة شركات متخصصة في مجال الاعلانات الممولة المدفوعة على المنصات المختلفة مثل فيس بوك جوجل ادوردس ياهو بينج يوتيوب تويتر (الغير مستخدم عربيا لعدم استهدافه البلاد العربية بعد) و لينكدن (غالي التكاليف) و من اوائل تلك الشركات شركة —- اعلانات متخصصة احترافية —- و هي من افضلها على الاطلاق حيث لا تعتمد اي طرق ملتوية في التعاملات المادية مع العملاء و انما ترسل لهم تقارير مفصلة ليس فقط عن عدد النقرات و التفاعل مع الاعلان و انما أيضا تقارير بالمبالغ المدفوعة فعليا في الاعلانات بالاضافة إلى كل التقارير التفصيلية الممكنة من كلمات بحث و مرات ظهور فهي غالبا الأفضل في مجال الاعلانات الممولة على الانترنت من عيوبها—هو ان المظهر الخارجي لموقعها ضعيف بعض الشئ حيث تعتمد فقط على انه اداه لنشر بعض المعلومات الهامة للعملاء

وفى هذه التدوينة أقدم لكم أحدث الكورسات العالمية لإحتراف استخدام الإعلانات لجنى الارباح ولتسويق المنتجات

الكورس مقدم من يوديمى بالفيديو مرفق معه ملفات العمل

كورس جوجل أدورد | Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 Stop SEO & Win With PPC!

كورس جوجل أدورد | Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 Stop SEO & Win With PPC!

Learn how our clients have transformed their sales using google AdWords & get your AdWords certification!

What Will I Learn?

Drive Consistent, Round-The-Clock Traffic To Your Website or Landing Page
Use Conversion Tracking To Determine The Value Of Your Ad Campaigns
Create, Develop and Optimize Your Own Profitable Google AdWords Campaigns
Remarket to Your Previous Website Visitors To Get Them Coming Back To Your Site
Advertise Your Products And Services Online Effectively
Monetize The More Than 6 Billion Daily Searches On Google
Boost Traffic and Increase Sales to Your Website


For This Google AdWords Course you should have a website, landing page or Facebook page that you want to send traffic to.
BUT even if you don’t have a landing page or website yet, you should still enroll in this AdWords course to become an expert in pay per click advertising
All you need is a laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection!
NO experience with AdWords required!


Win back your business from your competition by really learning Google AdWords like an expert. This Google AdWords Course has the *HIGHEST STUDENT SATISFACTION RATING in Udemy’s entire marketing and advertising section! *(Reported by Udemy)

Over 15,000 business owners, students, marketing specialists and entrepreneurs have enrolled writing in thousands of 5 star reviews:

“I don’t normally rate a course until I’ve completed it, but I just had to this time. This course is absolutely awesome. I can say that Isaac really knows what he is talking about. His delivery style is perfect. Not only is he knowledgeable, but he is clearly very passionate about ppc and this comes through in how he presents the content. I’ve taken numerous courses on a variety of subjects on Udemy, there’s something about how he teaches that makes him the best instructor I’ve encountered. This course is super well organized and each section builds on the last. And even though I have pretty extensive background knowledge into many the sections, I still complete them all the way through because they contain golden nuggets of information. If you’re interested in learning about Adwords, please take this course. You will not be disappointed. It’s worth every dollar (even at full price) and this is the only course I can say that about.”

– Meena Verma

“This course is fantastic Isaac. I have been searching through so many adwords tutorials to try and help out small businesses but yours is head and shoulders above any I have seen. Clear, concise and demystifying.”

– Roy Murray

“This is the most comprehensive and informative course I have ever took. Very well structured and explained in plain English so it is easy to understand. I would recommend this course to my friends definitely. I would give it 7 stars if there were option for it.”

– Alex Key

“Absolutely brilliant – thank you so much for making this very clear and helpful video course on AdWords. A masterpiece! Very grateful.”

– Sarah McDougall

Learn How To Drive Consistent, Reliable, High-Quality Traffic To Your Site Every Single Day With Google AdWords!

Your customers are using Google every single day to search for the products and services you offer, but you’re losing business to your competition because their AdWords campaigns are more optimized than yours are.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

My complete AdWords crash course is going to show you the exact skills and techniques you need to win back your business and drive consistent and profitable traffic to your website around the clock, 7 days a week.

For much less than the price of one dinner out with the family, you’re going to get over 15 hours of video lectures, access to our student discussion forum, and the ability to ask me any questions you may have as you progress through the course.

On top of all that, you get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!

ZERO Experience Required

In this course you will learn:

How to set up your AdWords account from scratch
The theory behind successful online advertising
What keywords are and how to use them to your advantage
How to set up conversion tracking and how to track phone calls from your website
How to track sales, revenue and form submissions using Google AdWords
How to take advantage of competitor reports and customer data in your campaigns
How to write and A/B test your ads
How to increase Quality Score and decrease your cost per click
How to structure your account, campaigns, ad groups and keyword lists for optimal results
How to analyze keyword data in Excel to gain deeper insight into your data
How to use tools like SEMrush and Optmyzr to automate your optimization tasks and run better analyses
How to monitor your campaign performance on a regular basis
How to spot trouble in your account and what you need to do to fix it
How to understand your customers from a psychological level
…. and much much more!

Unless you have the tools and the skill to manage your own successful Google AdWords campaign, you are going to continue to lose customers to your competition.

Once you complete this course, you will be able to create, develop and optimize a professional Google AdWords campaign that sends high quality traffic to your website, round-the-clock, 7 days a week.

I walk you through the most important aspects of Google AdWords with a clear, step-by-step approach. By following along with me, you will see how simple, fun and effective Google AdWords can be.

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. I know you’re going to absolutely love it, and I can’t wait to share my knowledge and experience with you on the inside!

Why wait any longer?

Click the green “Take This Course” button, and join my course 100% risk free now!

Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to master the world’s most powerful and popular advertising platform
Small Business Owners who want to increase their sales and revenue through their webiste
Entrepreneurs who want to leverage the power of the world’s most advanced advertising platform to their competitive advantage
Marketing professionals who want a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the AdWords auction and step by step instruction how they can succeed with AdWords
Students who want to develop a set of professional marketing skills
Beginners and more advanced AdWords users who want a closer look at how to set up search campaigns and remarketing ads the right way
This course is NOT for you if you are not ready to take your online advertising and marketing seriously
If you have ANY product or service that you want to promote, advertise or sell online, this course will give you the best tools and skills to succeed
+ View More

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Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 , كورس Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 و تحميل Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 , حمل مجانا Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 , حمل برابط واحد Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 , حمل برابط تورت Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017 , حمل على أكثر من سيرفر Ultimate Google AdWords Course 2017

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