طريقة التحميل

أفضل وأشهر كورسات الصيانة العالمية والتى تؤهلك للحصول على شهادة Comptia A+

وتعتبر شهادة Comptia A+ من أهم الشهادات فى مجال صيانة الكومبيوتر ومن خلالها تستطيع التعرف على جميع قطع الكومبيوتر وأنواعها وكذلك تركيبها وصيانتها وحل أشهر مشاكلها بالنفصيل

المميز فى هذا الكورس وفى هذه الدورة بالتحديد أنها حديثة جداً

فهى تغطى كل قطع وماركات الكومبيوتر الحديثة 2017

كورس صيانة الكومبيوتر | CompTIA A+ Certification 901 The Total Course

كورس صيانة الكومبيوتر | CompTIA A+ Certification 901 The Total Course

الكورس كامل بالفيديو مقدم من يوديمى

رابط الكورس على الموقع الرسمى

What Will I Learn?

• This is a complete and comprehensive CompTIA A+ 220-901 course. It is designed to prepare the student to be able to take and pass the first of two A+ exams needed to become CompTIA A+ Certified. To become A+ Certified requires you to pass BOTH the 220-901 and 220-902 exams. There is a separate course covering the 220-902 exam.
• Once you complete the two CompTIA A+ courses, you will have the knowledge and confidence to pass the exams AND the skills to be a great PC tech. This course is ideal as both a study tool and an on-the-job reference.
• Your new skills and the CompTIA A+ Certification will help you land your first PC tech job or if you are already a PC tech, get that raise or advancement you


• Basic familiarity with PCs and networks.
• There are no specific prerequisites as the course covers all the topics in detail.


Welcome to the CompTIA A+ Certification 901. The Total Course from Mike Meyers and Total Seminars.

This is the first of a two course series for CompTIA A+ and is designed to prepare you to take and pass the CompTIA A+ 220-901 exam. To become fully A+ certified you will need to pass both the 220-901 and 220-902 exams. This course is over 14 hours in length containing over 120 video lectures. The first goal of the course is to make you a good PC Tech and in the process make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA 901 exam.

The course covers all the CompTIA A+ 220-901 Objective Domains:

1.0 Hardware 34%

2.0 Networking 21%

3.0 Mobile Devices 17%

4.0 Hardware & Networking Troubleshooting 28%

Topics include how to:

Work with CPU, RAM, BIOS, motherboards, power supplies, and other PC components.
Install, configure, and maintain hard drives.
Manage input devices and removable media.
Troubleshoot and fix common PC problems.
Install video and multimedia cards.
Work with smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.
Install and configure wired and wireless networks.
Connect to the Internet.
Install, configure, and manage printers and other peripherals

Who is the target audience?

• This course is intended for anyone that is preparing for an entry level PC technician position or looking to improve their skills and become CompTIA A+ Certified. However, it goes beyond that and will give you the skills you need to be a better tech on the job.

مساحة الكورس 6 جيجا تقريباً

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كلمات مفتاحية :

CompTIA A+ Certification 901 The Total Course , شهادة كورس CompTIA A+ Certification 901 The Total Course, تحميل كورس CompTIA A+ Certification 901 The Total Course, حمل برابط تورنت كورس CompTIA A+ Certification 901 The Total Course , كورس تعليم الصيانة 2017 , اسطوانة فارس لكورس تعليم صيانة الكومبيوتر 2017 , تحميل كورس تعليم الصيانة مجانا , كورس كومبتيا ايه بلس 2015 , كورس صيانة الحاسوب , تعليم صيانة الكومبيوتر 2017 , Comptia A+ , تحميل Comptia A+ , Comptia A+2017 , تنزيل Comptia A+ , كورس Comptia A+  , اسطوانة Comptia A+ , Comptia A+


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